EDIC Resources for graduating students

Information session for academic job search – Nov 18, 2021

During his talk, Christoph Koch shared some insights on the best strategy to succeed in the academic job market. Profiting from his large experience  in a number of renowned universities all over the world, he suggests, supports and guides the next generation of academics through the application and the interview processes.

The recorded talk is intended and targeted for EDIC students about to graduate and willing to pursue an academic career in CS.

Mock Inteviews

Intended for graduating and recently graduated EDIC PhD students and IC postdocs who are targeting academic positions in the upcoming hiring cycle. These mock interviews allow candidates to fine-tune their interview talk, practice one-on-one interviews with an academic bend, and communicate achievements to a broad audience. 

Since 2023, Prof. Thomas Bourgeat chairs the process.

The program for 2024-25 will be shared soon!