The Doctoral Program in Microsystems and Microelectronics (EDMI) covers a wide range of research topics ranging from MEMS to digital circuit design. Interdisciplinarity and technology innovation constitute core priorities of our doctoral program.

The Doctoral Program in Microsystems and Microelectronics lies at the intersection of micro/nano electronics, micro/nano systems, and bioengineering. We cover the knowledge chain from novel material systems (silicon, graphene, flexible/stretchable, etc) to new device and/or sensor principles up to their use in innovative system applications, including circuit design for micro/nano-sensor interfacing and advanced power management for ambient intelligence applications.
Products and applications based on microelectronic and microsystem technologies are today driving forces in the world economy affecting nearly every aspect of life: education, entertainment, transportation, personal communications and the basic infrastructure of our economy, medicine, engineering, space exploration and science.
Our PhD students are major users of the Center of micro/nano-technology (CMI), our world-class cleanroom that has a strong MEMS, Nanofabrication, and microfluidic focus. More than 40 EPFL laboratories and research groups are affiliated with the EDMI, all having strong interactions with Swiss and European industry.
Upcoming public defense
Prof Giovanni Boero
Lucie Auberson
EPFL EDMI program
ELB 112
CH-1015 Lausanne
Phone 41 21 693 6923