Neuroscience has been heralded as one of the last biological frontiers… And we agree! Here, at the doctoral program of Neuroscience at EPFL, we push this frontier to discover the underlying principles of how one of the most fascinating organs of our body, the central nervous system, functions. Interested? Scroll on…

EPFL Virtual Tour

The EPFL PhD Program in Neuroscience (EDNE) provides its students with extensive training in various fields of neurosciences, ranging from molecular, cellular, circuit, computational, cognitive and behavioral neurosciences to neuroprosthetics and neuroengineering.

Students matriculate in the highly dynamic and interdisciplinary environment of the EPFL, in the Brain Mind Institute , the Neuro-X Institute, the Blue Brain Project, or in other research groups affiliated to our program.

Furthermore, there is a close cooperation between EDNE and the Neuroscience doctoral programs of the University of Lausanne and the University of Geneva (LN Doctoral School).

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Monday to Thursday

Direction: Johannes Gräff

Administration: Alice Emery Goodman

Bureau: SV 2514

Phone: 41 21 69 30794

Mail: edne@epfl.ch


EPFL EDNE program
SV 2514
CH-1015 Lausanne

Phone: 41 21 693 0794
Mail: edne@epfl.ch

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