EDPY How to apply?

Each PhD student in physics is hired directly by a research group to work on a specific research project, under the supervision of a thesis director associated with the doctoral program. The lists of physics topics with active research at EPFL, of research units in physics, and of current thesis directors in physics, can be viewed on Research expertise (or by clicking on the menu “EDPY Affiliated labs & Research expertise” on the left).

The admission of a candidate in the Doctoral Program in Physics can only occur once the following two conditions are satisfied:

  1. the candidate applied to the program, and is selected by the selection committee on the basis of the application documents;
  2. the candidate found a thesis advisor associated with the program, in a research unit that decided, after an interview, to offer him/her a PhD student position

As shown in the diagram below, this can be achieved through two different routes, which differ mostly by the order in which the above two conditions are met:

  • Apply first, then find a position
    Applications must be submitted electronically through the web site of EPFL Doctoral School. This can be done at any time. Please read the general information and follow the application instructions. The deadlines for applications to the Physics Doctoral Program are April 30 and October 31 of each year. After each deadline, complete applications submitted for that deadline will be reviewed by a selection committee. Each candidate will be informed by e-mail about the decision of the selection committee within a month. Eligible candidates will be encouraged to look for a thesis advisor and a PhD student position; in parallel their application file will be made available to all thesis directors associated with the Program, for consideration by those in search of a PhD student.
  • Find a position first, then apply
    If a candidate finds a PhD advisor and a position before being selected by the committee, then the advisor may request that the application be examined by the selection committee outside of the official deadlines. Before this is requested, the candidate should submit an electronic application through the EPFL Doctoral School (see the general information and application instructions) and make sure that all the reference letters have been submitted as well, regardless of the deadlines indicated by the system. The selection committee will then take a decision about the admission in the program.

The selection committee may decide to admit a candidate under conditions.

For any further questions: edpy@epfl.ch