Robotics, Control, and Intelligent Systems

Objectives of the program


The EDRS program provides doctoral students with the education necessary to be leaders in multi-disciplinary areas at the intersection of computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering.


The program focuses on innovative methodologies to synthesize, analyze, and control cyber-physical systems of increasing complexity finding application in a variety of domains, including health, built and natural environment, mobility, energy, pedagogy, human-machine interaction, and manufacturing.

Students gain in-depth knowledge and competences in their specific research area as well as a solid background in system-oriented science and engineering.

You look to…

  • share, develop and realize innovative ideas in Robotics, working with a team of world-class experts
  • share and develop ideas for production methodology that respect environmental and energy resources by interacting with fully experienced shop floor engineers
  • share, develop and construct innovative medical instruments to enhance patient comfort

…  we then have common dreams, ambitions and concerns.

Before applying, candidates should consult the websites of the laboratories participating in the Robotics, Control and Intelligent Systems Program to get acquainted with current research activities and to identify potential thesis directors. You can find a link to the list of EDRS thesis directors here.


Upcoming public defense


Prof Colin Jones

Corinne Lebet

EPFL EDRS program
ME C2 389
CH-1015 Lausanne


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