Applied data analysis β CS-401
- Computational social media β EE-727
Data visualization β COM-480
Deep learning β EE-559
Digital Education and Learning Analytics β CS-411
Distributed information systems β CS-423
- Foundation of digital humanities β DH-405
How people learn 1 β HUM-432
How people learn 2 β HUM-433
Human Computer Interaction β CS-486
- Information security and privacy β COM-402
Intelligent agents β CS-430
Introduction to Natural Language Processing β CS-431
- Machine learning β CS-433
- Machine learning for behavioral data β CS-421
Machine learning for digital humanities β DH-408
Science and Engineering teaching and learning β ENG-624 (transferrable skills course)
- Social media β EE-593
Topics in computational social science β CS-727
- Topics in Machine Learning for education β CS-702
Virtual reality β CS-444
ETH Zurich
Artificial Intelligence in Education β 263-5005-00L
Human-Computer Interaction: Cognition and Usability β 851-0252-01L
Computational Semantics for Natural Language Processing β 263-5000-00L
Computational Social Science β 851-0585-41L
Natural Language Processing β 252-3005-00L
Network Modeling β 851-0252-13L
Mind and Brain β 851-0157-00L
Applied Network Science β 851-0586-03L
The Science of Learning from Failure β 851-0252-12L
Experimental Game Theory β 851-0585-43L
Gender Issues in Education and STEM β 851-0242-11L
Research Methods in Educational Science β 851-0242-08L
Bayesian Data Science β 364-1105-00L
Foundations of Innovation Studies β 364-1110-00L
Design Thinking: Human-Centered Solutions to Real World Challenges β 363-1065-00L
Systems Dynamics and Complexity β 363-0541-00L
Applied Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design β 401-0625-01L
Bayesian Statistics β 401-3628-14L
Time Series Analysis β 401-4623-00L
Machine Learning β 252-0220-00L
Deep learning β 263-3210-00L
Big Data for Engineers β 252-3900-00L