EDIC Awards laureates

Apple AI/ML Fellowship

Aryo Lotfi

Apple AI/ML fellowship awarded to Aryo Lotfi

Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship

Dongqing Wang

Congrats Dongqing, one of the two EPFL laureates of QIF 2024 Europe program!

Neelu S. Kalani

And to Neelu as well, the other EPFL laureate of QIF 2024 Europe program!

Atri Bhattacharyya

Atri Bhattacharyya won the 2023 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship!

DAAD AINet fellowship

Akhil Arora

The AInet Fellows are a group of excellent international researchers from the field of AI. They are selected and invited to visit and connect with leading research groups all over Germany. Akhil was invited to join the 11/2023 group, networking on Human-centered AI

G-Research PhD Prize

Vinitra Swamy

Vinitra won the first place in the G-Research PhD prize in Quantitative Research

Maksym Andriushchenko

Runner-up: Maksym was awarded the 2nd place!

Roger Needham PhD Award

Rishabh Iyer

Rishabh Iyer also wins the 2024 EuroSys Roger Needham PhD award

ACM SIGOPS Dennis M. Ritchie Award

Rishabh Iyer

Rishabh Iyer wins the Dennis M. Ritchie Award for 2023

Fritz Kutter Award

Jovan Blanuša

Jovan Blanuša, who recently graduated under the supervision of Kubilay Atasu (IBM ZRL) and Paolo Ienne (EPFL), won the Fritz Kutter Award 2023 for Industry Related Thesis in Computer Science

Doctoral Program Thesis Distinction

Each year, in order to highlight the excellence of our doctoral candidates’ research work and scientific merit, the EDIC program grants an EPFL Distinction for exceptionally high quality theses. The EDIC Committee carefully evaluated the theses of nominees who passed their public defense between September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023, and rewarded the top 8%. The 2023 laureate names are published here.

Patrick Denantes Memorial Prize

2023 – Stefan Nikolić

Stefan Nikolić is the 2023 laureate of the Patrick Denantes Memorial Prize.

EDAA Outstanding Dissertation Award

2024 – Stefan Nikolić

Stefan Nikolić is also one of the 2024 laureates of the EDAA Outstanding Dissertation Award