PhD Guide

Illustration | © Adrien Miqueu
Dear Colleagues,
This guide sets out the main rules, practices and values governing the doctoral studies at EPFL. It serves as a reference for all members of the EPFL doctoral community to enhance the doctorate experience at EPFL and make it easier for doctoral students and supervisors to get acquainted with PhD systems and procedures. The various aspects of this journey are presented from two perspectives, one from the student side and one from the professor side.
The Guide to best practices for doctoral studies at EPFL was developed by the EPFL Doctoral School with the support of the doctoral program directors, doctoral student representatives and several internal stakeholders. They worked together to come up with a simple, useful and practical source of information. This guide is intended to be a living and evolving document and therefore any contribution from the community is welcome.
Every person involved in doctoral activities at EPFL, whether as a student, professor, or program administrator, members of EPFL service units, decision makers inside EPFL, plays a part in designing, shaping, and/or adapting the doctoral study program to make it a unique experience for the doctoral students who entrust their education to EPFL.
Prof. Annalisa Buffa, Associate Vice President for Postgraduate Education