Recharge your batteries

In a study environment as demanding as that of the EPFL, it can be tempting to want to devote 100% of your time to your studies. However, this is a mistake to be avoided, as time to recharge is essential if you are to keep up the pace over the long term.

What do you do when the battery on your cell phone dies?

Taking time out to recharge means taking care of your daily energy levels. You’ll probably be surprised to find that by taking this time, you’ll feel better and have more energy to study.

Studying at EPFL can be compared to running a marathon. To keep up over the long haul, it’s essential to find the right stride: neither too fast nor too slow. Planning time for rest and rejuvenation is an integral part of this.

Studying at EPFL can be compared to running a marathon. To keep up over time, it’s essential to find the right stride – neither too fast nor too slow. Planning time for rest and rejuvenation is an integral part of this.

This can include time devoted to sports, playing a musical instrument, an artistic or leisure activity, participation in campus associations or your social life. The most important thing is to choose activities that recharge your batteries and make you feel good. But remember to prioritize and integrate them into your schedule right from the start.


  • Prioritize your rejuvenating activities according to the time you have left, once you’ve drawn up your weekly schedule.
  • It’s useful to plan what makes you feel good on a daily basis (e.g. walking or cycling home, playing a game, reading, etc.), as well as activities that you fit into your week on a regular basis, such as sport or your community activities.

Take care of yourself!


Social consultation

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