FAQ – Arrangements for courses and/or exams for students with disabilities/chronic condition

This FAQ contains the following chapters:

  • Questions regarding the arrangements request
  • Validity period of arrangement
  • Arrangement communication
  • Accident or sudden illness
  • Practices at EPFL

Questions regarding the arrangements request

I have a report from my specialist, but it’s more than two years old. What should I do?

Although some illnesses or disabilities change little or not at all over time, students are asked to provide us with a report that is less than 2 years old. As your specialist is aware of your situation, he or she will be able to judge whether or not you need to undergo further tests before writing the report.

Before confirming my admission to EPFL, I need to know if the arrangements I need will be accepted. How can I do that?

It is possible to apply for arrangements even if you have not yet registered with our institution. This process will allow you to find out what arrangements you are entitled to and make an informed decision.

To ensure that you receive a reply from the Arrangement Committee regarding the measures you may be entitled to, please follow these deadlines:

  • Start of studies in September: complete application must be received by mid-April at the latest.
  • Start of studies in January (exchange students): complete application must be received by mid-November at the latest.

After these deadlines, standard deadlines apply.

I was at UNIL last year and received arrangements. Do I need to make a new request for arrangements now that I am enrolled at EPFL?

Yes, you must reapply, as these are 2 different institutions.

Validity period of arrangement

How long is my arrangement valid for?

Your arrangement is valid for the entire duration of your studies at EPFL (Bachelor’s and Master’s) unless an expiry date is mentioned on your arrangement decision. In some cases, arrangement are only valid for 6 months or one year (or even shorter periods for emergency arrangement following a hand fracture, for example).

In the event of re-registration after exmatriculation, your arrangements will not be automatically renewed. In this case, please contact us at the following address: sae.amenagements@epfl.ch.

If you are starting a PhD, you need to renew your arrangement. In this case, please contact us at the following address: sae.amenagements@epfl.ch.

I know another student who has the same diagnosis as me, yet he’s not being asked to renew his arrangement, is that normal?

Even if you have the same diagnosis, each situation is different. The commission bases its decisions on the specialist’s report as to how long an arrangement is valid.

I’ve received a message asking me to renew my arrangement. What should I do?

You need to send us an updated report on your situation as soon as possible, or let us know if you no longer need your arrangement.

Arrangement communication

Who will the data about my disability be forwarded to?

By signing the application form, you agree that your documents for the application for special arrangements may be disclosed to the relevant internal departments insofar as this is necessary for decision-​making and the implementation of possible measures.

How are the teachers informed of my arrangement?

Your teachers are informed at the beginning of each semester that you have arrangement. They are then responsible for implementing them for all your exams during the semester. They are then informed for each of your semester exams.

We advise you, however, to keep a copy of the confirmation of your arrangement that you received from the academic service when you attend exams.

Do teachers receive general recommendations regarding the implementation of arrangements?

When teachers receive the names of students benefiting from arrangements, they are asked to:

  • group students with arrangements in the quietest area of the room.
  • ensure that students with standard time hand in their papers in silence and leave the room as quickly as possible.
  • pass on to their assistants information regarding the arrangements of their students.

In the same message, they have access via links to:

  • the procedure for tablets
  • information sheets on the most common diagnoses (Dyslexia, Dysorthographia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Psychiatric Disorders, Attention Deficit Disorder with/without Hyperactivity), which aim, through a better understanding of the issues and difficulties, to facilitate academic interaction between the teaching staff and students.

Who makes decisions regarding arrangement?

An ad hoc committee made up of several EPFL employees and lecturers decides on the various applications. The contact address is always sae.amenagements@epfl.ch.

The Arrangement Commission may also ask you to provide additional information if it deems that the various documents in the file are not sufficient to reach a decision.

In case of refusal, there are avenues of appeal which are mentioned in the letter that will be sent to you by the registrar’s office through the student portal.

I’ve got a mid-term coming up and I haven’t received any notification that I’m entitled to my arrangement?

For exams taking place during the January and June sessions, you will receive confirmation of your arrangement for each test.

However, for mid-terms, you will not receive confirmation of your arrangement. The academic service informs the teachers who are responsible for organizing arrangement during the semester.

On my transcripts of records and on my diploma, will it be noted that I had some study arrangements?

No, it will not be noted that you had some study arrangements.

Accident or sudden illness

I’ve just broken my right hand and I’m right-handed. I’m about to take some tests, what should I do?

You need to quickly fill in the form on our arrangement web page and have your specialist fill in the dedicated section. The commission will make a decision based on these elements.

I broke my left hand and I’m right-handed. Can I claim arrangement?

As far as accidents are concerned, it all depends on the injury and the treatment given. However, as a general rule, if you’re right-handed and you’ve broken your left hand, you can’t claim arrangement.

I can’t write, can I have a tablet?

It is possible to obtain a tablet for exams. However, the procedure for obtaining a tablet for an exam takes a minimum of 7 working days.

First of all, the Arrangement Commission must accept the emergency arrangement. Once accepted, the student must go to the Poséidon IT department to get to grips with the tablet and inform them of the necessary configuration (e.g. QWERTZ or AZERTY keyboard). The teacher must then go to the IT department and load the test in digital format onto the tablet. For this reason, it is not possible to set up such an arrangement within a few days.

What are the lead times for emergency arrangement?

  • 7 working days minimum if you need a tablet (this measure must be requested by your specialist on the form for it to be accepted).
  • 3 working days minimum if you don’t need a tablet, but only extra time.

For organizational reasons, EPFL cannot guarantee the implementation of these emergency arrangements, even if the above deadlines are met.

I’ve just had an accident/health problem and need an arrangement?

to have the exam cancelled. If you are unfit to take an exam, it is best not to go to the exam and bring a medical certificate to the student desk. This will give you an “M” instead of an “n/a”.

I’ve broken my leg and I can’t move around the campus to attend classes. Is it possible to attend the courses online?

You should contact the relevant teachers directly to discuss the possibilities if you’re having difficulty accessing course materials. Additionally, consider reaching out to your classmates to see if they can share information with you.

Practices at EPFL

Before coming to EPFL, I had the option of using a spell-checker to type my texts during exams. Is this still necessary at EPFL?

No, you don’t need a spell-checker at EPFL, as spelling mistakes are not taken into account by teachers.