Students whose section recommend participating in study trips, with an educational purpose can ask for financial support.
Exchange students are not entitled to it.
After the study trip, the following documents (in one pdf) must be sent to [email protected]:
If you are a EPFL or cantonal social scholarship holders :
- Application form for financial assistance (in french only)
- EPFL registration certificate
- Scholarship attestation
- Official attestation signed by the professor who organised the study trip or the program deputy proving your participation in the study trip (template)
- Copy of a bank statement containing the iban number and coordinates (for the payment)
- Copy of ID or passeport
If you are NOT an EPFL or cantonal scholarship holder/If you are a private foundation or foreign scholarship holder:
- Application form for financial assistance (in french only)
- EPFL registration certificate
- Bank account and postal account statement (last 3 months) for all existing accounts (swiss and foreign), included savings accounts, credit card, revolut, Yuh account, etc…
- Tax return of the parents, the applicants, spouse, guarantor (otherwise: salary statements, annuities)
- Official attestation signed by the professor who organised the study trip or the program deputy proving your participation in the study trip (template)
- Copy of ID or passeport
Lump sum of CHF 300.– (once during the course of study)