Please find in this section various information which may help you during your daily life.
EPFL supports the inclusion and integration of students and PhD students with specific needs whenever possible. Please find more information on this page.
Every conference rooms, classrooms, libraries, restaurants and offices are accessible to persons with disabilities.
The interactive campus map will help you find your way on the campus. Under Points of interest and Routing you have the possibility to choose Disabled.
However, you can count on each building’s caretaker (“concierge”) to guide you when you first arrive at EPFL. We recommend that you print out the page of caretakers and keep it with you.
Those requiring domestic care and assistance services (included home-delivered meals) through the medico-social centers (CMS) may turn to the following organisation: AVASAD Association Vaudoise d’Aide et de Soins à Domicile
Please find hereunder two addresses that provides support and professional advice for disabled persons:
The Fondation Maisons pour Etudiants has adapted apartments for students in a wheelchair. Please contact the foundation directly.
There is also a directory of accessible dwellings in the Canton de Vaud. Pro Infirmis will be pleased to provide all necessary information.
The Association Procap also provides an online real estate exchange for accessible apartments.
The Union suisse des professionnels de l’immobilier Vaud commits itself, as far as possible, to give priority to disabled persons interested in an accessible apartment. Please contact them directly.
Plusport (Sport Handicap Suisse) develops and maintains sport training structures for disabled persons.
Swiss Federal Railways (CFF)
If you are mobility impaired and wish to use public transport, the Federal Railways site lists all support possibilities.
Transports lausannois (TL)
The m1 metro which carries a vast number of students from central Lausanne to the campus is fully accessible to wheelchair passengers. As for the rest of the Lausanne area public transport network, a dedicated page lists adapted bus lines.
Driving yourself
Information from Canton de Vaud available on this webpage regarding the following subjects:
- Car specially fitted
- Driving school for adapted cars
- Driving licence
- etc…
The travel agency SEREI organises group or individual holidays in Switzerland and abroad for disabled persons.
It also provides general information on travel.
Please find hereunder some useful addresses: