For program transfers after the successful completion of the first year, please consult the page Program transfer during the Bachelor’s cycle.
Program transfer at the beginning of the first year
Until the end of the second week of the first attempt at the first year, students whose admission was not subject to the capacity limitation may transfer freely to another program. They only need to request the transfer within the Academic Reregistration Form or through the Student Services Desk. Students whose admission was subject to the capacity limitation are not allowed to transfer to another program at the beginning of the first year.
From the third to the fifth week of the first attempt at the first year, students are allowed to transfer to another program, provided that they have the authorisation of the program to which they wish to transfer. Students who are interested in such a transfer must fill in the form Changement de Section (in French) and submit it, together with a motivation letter, to the secretary’s office of the desired program. A student who transfers to another program at that stage takes full responsibility for the transfer and the additional work required to catch up. No exemption nor arrangement can be offered.
Past the fifth week of the first attempt at the first year, it is no longer possible to transfer to another program until the end of the academic year (after the summer exam session).
Program transfer during the first year
Because the first-year study plans of the programs in the IC School are identical, it is not possible to transfer from one of these programs to the other before the successful completion of the first year.
Students are only allowed to transfer to another program during the first year in the case of a failure at the first attempt of that year or of a pass at the cours de mise à niveau (MAN), i.e., after the summer exam session. Students who are interested in such a transfer must fill in the form Changement de Section (in French) and submit it, together with a motivation letter, to the secretary’s office of the desired program. A transfer does not entail a cancelation of the first failure. Students are therefore subject to the passing conditions for the second attempt at the first year in the new program.
Since study plans are different, a block that was successfully completed in the previous program cannot be kept in the new program. For subjects that are identical (title and content) in both programs, the same rules apply as in the case of a second attempt in the same program. These rules are detailed on the page Requirements for passing the first year and the mise à niveau.