Propedeutic Center – CePro
The mission of the Propaedeutic Center (CePro) is to facilitate the organization and running of the major service courses given in the first year, and in particular the corresponding exercise sessions. The courses concerned are: Analysis I and II, Linear Algebra, Mechanical Physics and Thermodynamics, General Chemistry and Advanced Information, Computation, Communication (ICC).
Its objectives are:
- Coordination and management of Teaching Assistants (Student Assistants and Doctoral Assistants) for the courses concerned. Actions may include:
- their recruitment, in close collaboration with the sections
- their training before the course, in collaboration with the Teaching Support Centre (CAPE)
- their follow-up during the semester
- their evaluation at the end of the course, in collaboration with CAPE
- their financial management, in close collaboration with the sections
- Participation in teaching, according to the means available to the Center
- Coordination of the technical and logistical organization of exams
- Sharing of existing teaching resources and developing new ones, according to the needs of the sections
- Management of technological tools, in collaboration with the Centre for Digital Education (CEDE)
- Communication to the sections concerned of the proposed changes in course content
Short term
- define and communicate clear rules for Teaching Assistants (Doctoral and Student Assistants)
- support the First year committee (propaedeutic)
- identify fixes for Fall 2021
Medium term
- support the relevant first year courses (propaedeutic)
- support first year students
- train Teaching Assistants (Doctoral and Student Assistants)
Long term
- create a community of teachers
- promote innovation in teaching
CePro depends directly on the AVP-EDU. It is advised by a board consisting of the section directors providing the common courses (also known as service courses), the section director of the section receiving the service courses, the CAPE director, and the Associate Vice-President for Education. The committee defines the regularity of its meetings.
Currently, the focus is on the following common courses:
- Linear Algebra
- Analysis
- Physics
Each of these courses comprises
- ~2000 students
- ~8 teachers
- ~8 main TAs
- 0-20 Doctoral Assistants
- 60-100 Student Assistants
(including tutors) - 1 course coordinator
- (Soon) a CePro Referent
What does she/he do ?
- Teaches a common course
- supports the principal Teaching Assistants
- trains Teaching Assistants under the supervision of CePro and CAPE
- promotes innovation in teaching within the group
CePro supports teachers in the preparation and automatic correction of paper exams (midterms, mock exams and end of semester exams) from a technical point of view. This service is offered to the propaedeutic courses. This service is also available for other EPFL courses, but with a limited level of support.
For more information please access to our dedicated Moodle. (Teachers have access rights to Moodle, to give access to your assistants please send an email to [email protected])
Teaching Assistants need to be carefully trained and coached. CAPE and CePro have joined forces to offer training organised in three steps:
- introductory session
- coaching during the semester (2 meetings)
- concluding session
At the end of the course
- Student Assistants get an attestation of participation (compulsory, 6h-8h)
- Doctoral Assistants gets credits (2 ECTS in EDOC, elective)
- The attestation includes a short evaluation from the teacher of the course.
Our team
Simone Deparis
Executive director & CePro Referent (Analysis I)
David Strütt
CePro Referent (Analysis)
José Luis Zuleta
CePro Referent (Linear Algebra)
Sylvain Brechet
CePro Referent (Physics I)
Julien Andres
CePro Referent (Chemical)
Ludovic Bonivento
Systems Engineer (IT projects management, development and support for exam with automated correction)
Sylvie Bui
Support for exam with automated correction and IT projects management
Lucile Pinard
Application development and exam support IT specialist
Virginie Ledouble
Vera Guedes
Trainee Commercial employee