Workshops and Courses on teaching and learning

Workshop in progress

Teaching toolkit for PROJECTS


With: Iris Capdevila, Yousef Jalali 
Place and room: CM 1 113
Category: Internal trainings

lunch&LEARN October 29th

lunch&LEARN: An exploratory analysis of student behavior, performance and evaluation in hybrid and blended first year bachelor calculus course


With: Annechien Sarah Helsdingen Manuela Pineros-Rodriguez
Place and room: ME A3 31
Category: Conferences – Seminars

Experiential workshop on teaching project skills (with LEGO!) Lausanne


Place and room: CO 016
Category: Conferences – Seminars

See all events

 Workshop catalog

We offer a series of online and on campus workshops which address the typical range of university teaching activities (teaching, presenting, labs and exercise sessions, assessment, using technology and distance learning technology, etc.). EPFL is a member of the CFE Network, in which context you can follow the pedagogical training of our partners: University of Lausanne, University of Geneva, University of Fribourg and University of Neuchatel.

Informed by contemporary research on teaching engineering, our online and on campus workshops and courses for doctoral assistants and post-docs can give credits for EPFL doctoral assistants. 

We offer workshops to better prepare bachelors and masters students who are employed as student assistants or tutors to support the exercise sessions. Participation will be recognised with an attestation. This sessions are offered exclusively in French.

We also offer the Master course on the SHS strand “How People Learn”. 

Recorded workshops

Other training services

Bootstrap Days

As part of the induction of new teachers and professors in EPFL, all new teachers are invited to a “Bootstrap” event.  This is designed to provide new teachers with the key information they need when starting out in EPFL and to enable them to meet each other and members of the EPFL Direction in an informal environment. All new teachers are expected to attend the relevant Bootstrap event. Participation is by invitation only.

For new professors, the Bootstrap Day is a one-day seminar held off campus in spring each year.  It introduces:

  • the mission and strategy of the school and the role of our professoriate
  • the expectations and supports regarding teaching excellence
  • key features of the teaching and assessment system in EPFL
  • the research mission and support services.

For other new teachers, the Bootstrap Seminar consists of an evening seminar introducing:

  • the mission and strategy of the school and the role of our teaching body
  • the expectations and supports regarding teaching excellence
  • key features of the teaching and assessment system in EPFL.

The Bootstrap events are organised by the Teaching Support Centre in collaboration with the Vice-President Academic, the Vice-Provosts for Education and Research, the Research Office, the Faculty Affairs Office, and the Centre for Digital Education.

Individual consultations early on

All new teachers are welcome to avail of individual consultations with a pedagogical advisor who can help plan for teaching at EPFL.

As specific step-by-step consultation for new tenure track assisstant professors (PATT) will help build a promotion dossier by assisting with adapting teaching to the EPFL context, as well as identifying relevant resources for course (re)design, technical support or logistical questions. 

Please contact us at [email protected] or get in touch with the pedagogical advisor of the section.

We can work with sections to develop customized teaching workshops on demand. Previous examples include workshops on:

  • Team teaching
  • Writing and correcting multiple choice tests / exams
  • Flipping a class
  • Using anti-plagiarism software to assess student projects
    and course work
  • Using learning outcomes to aid student learning
  • “Instructional Skills Workshop” for doctoral assistants
  • Supporting students in working in collaborative groups, for doctoral assistants

If your section would like to address a particular theme or topic, please contact Ingrid Le Duc (who coordinates our workshops for teachers) or the pedagogical advisor for your section.