Sport Technology Labs

BIOROB Biorobotics Laboratory
CCLab Composite Construction Laboratory
CHC Cultural Heritage and Innovation Center
CREATE Lab Computational Robot Design and Fabrication Lab
CSS UNIL-EPFL Sports and Health Center 
CVLAB Computer Vision Laboratory 
eM+ Laboratory for Experimental Museology 
EPFL+ECAL Lab EPFL and ECAL Design Research Center
ESL Embedded Systems Laboratory 
FIMAP Laboratory of Photonic Materials and Fiber Devices 
GEOME Geospacial Molecular Epidemiology Group
HERUS Laboratory for Human-Environment Relations in Urban Systems
ICLAB Integrated Circuits Laboratory
IIG Immersive Interaction Group
INDY1 lnformation and Network Dynamics Laboratory 1
LASUR Laboratory of Urban Sociology
LBO Laboratory of Biomechanical Orthopedics
LDS Laboratory for Data Security
LFMI  Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement
LGC Behavioral Genetics Laboratory
LISP Laboratory of Integrative Systems Physiology
LMAM Laboratory of Movement Analysis and Measurement
LMTS Soft Transducers Laboratory
LNCO Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience (Chaire Fondation Bertarelli de neuroprosthétique cognitive)
LPAC Laboratory for Processing of Advanced Composites
LQM Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism
LSIR Distributed Information Systems Laboratory

MAKE projects – Interdisciplinary projects supported by the EPFL

MMSPG Multilmedia Signal Processing Group
MSIC Lab Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits Laboratory
NANOLAB Nanoelectronic Devices Laboratory
OES Chair of Operations, Economics and Strategy
REHAssist Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics
RRL Reconfigurable Robotics Lab 
SCI-STI-MM Multimedia Group
TNE Translational Neural Engineering Lab
TOPO Geodetic Engineering Laboratory
UPAMATHIS Prof Alexander Mathis Group
UPSALATHE Prof. Salathé Group (SV/IC)
VITA Visual lntelligence for Transportation