Climate Challenges

🇺🇦 Concrete Reuse for Reconstruction

Reuse of concrete from damaged buildings in Ukraine, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and landfill waste.

🇩🇯 Coral Reef Monitoring for Djibouti

Innovative coral reef monitoring technologies, such as DeepReefMap and environmental DNA, to protect and restore reefs.

🇨🇩 Digital Twins Watershed Approach

  • Location : Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
  • EPFL Lab : CEAT, Prof. Jérôme Chenal
  • Local NGO : Red-Cross RDC
  • Local partner : Center of Urban Systems (CUS), UM6P

Digital twin model to improve the sustainability and resilience of the Ndjili River basin, focusing on water management and ecosystem restoration. 

🇸🇸 Computational Design for Resilient Shelters

Flood-resistant shelters using sustainable materials to improve housing in flood-prone areas.

🇨🇴 Sustainable 3D Printing for Peace

Sustainable 3D Printed Assistive Devices for Disabled People.

🇧🇩 Sustainable tarpaulins for emergency shelter

Transforming agricultural residues into biodegradable polyester for tarpaulins.