A chance to validate your project
We know it’s hard to break the “too early” barrier. We want to nurture the most promising opportunities in our labs and help them become the success we know they can be.
With an Igntion grant, you’ll have a first opportunity to validate your project and get ready for future grants.
The Ignition grant is early stage funding, giving you a chance to validate your technology and develop a first prototype or find your right market fit.
The CHF 30K can be in the form of a salary and/or of consumables and/or outsourcing needs. The grant is for a maximum of 6 months.
You will need be hosted in an EPFL Lab where you will be incubating your spinoff.
* Cannot be combined with other financial support from the EPFL Startup Unit at the same time
You have a startup vision based on a novel technical solution.
You have demonstrated your technology in a lab OR you have market traction.
You have a strong connection to a hosting EPFL lab.
First and foremost, the Ignition grant is for a startuper – convince us that you are motivated and engaged
Secondly, we are looking for innovative technology with potential market impact – what is novel in your technology? what problem can you solve and why is this important?
Overall, what value will this grant bring – how feasible is the proposed plan?
Start by giving us more information about your project by filling in the online form “contact us” hereunder. This is the starting point for our support.
We’re keen to support you at every step of the way. If you think an Ignition Grant is something you’d like to apply for, get in touch with your Startup Unit contact. We’ll work together on the best way forward.

Discover our Ignition grant projects
Since the programme started in 2020, 31 projects have been supported!
EPFL Startup Launchpad
Vice Presidency for Innovation and Impact
EPFL Innovation Park J
CH-1015 Lausanne
Contact us: startup@epfl.ch