Architecture, Critique, History, and Theory About ACHT Team Research and Publication Teaching News and Events Contacts Patronage as CollaborationPublished:18.12.23 — Michela Bonomo contributed to Vol. 3, No. 5 of the Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge on the call "Collaborations: Rethinking Architectural Design" in December 2023 with her article 'Patronage as Collaboration. Dante Bini's Villas in Sardinia'.Rogue and Trickster: Luigi Moretti, Real Estate & the Villa TriptychPublished:13.12.23 — A typological analysis by Michela Bonomo of the 'Villa Triptych' by Luigi Moretti in Santa Marinella is published in "Burning Farm", an online journal dedicated to architecture and domestic space.“Architecture Philosophy nº6 is out”Published:31.10.23 — “The new issue is co-sponsored by the ACHT Lab.”All news