ALICE is a laboratory for collective and active imagination (with) space. Based in Lausanne at the EPFL, the ALICE laboratory is a network of international and diverse people, triggered by the common thirst to lead projects at the crossroad of design, philosophy and society. It is a team composed of architects, artists, engineers, landscape architects, philosophers, thinkers and makers. Held together by affinity, we seek to collectively and actively imagine (with) space.
ALICE aims at valuing environment, built habitat and bodies as mutual resources. Founded by Dieter Dietz, the laboratory aims at experimenting techniques and devices of mental-physical navigation: thinking/making, drawing, event/performance, experimental writing, archaeology (catalogue) of architectural practices. In all these practices, we look at processes and operations aiming at engendering new forms of collaboration and cohabitation. We are many and this plurality offers us the chance to design in a real collective dimension.