


Julien Lafontaine Carboni (they/them) is an architect, educator, researcher and activist advocating and working for epistemic and social justice in the architectural discipline and profession, and in the built environment. Their research investigates politics and infrastructures of architectural history (subaltern epistemology, chronopolitics, repertoires and archives), historiographies of the flesh, oral and embodied epistemologies, reenactments and queer performativity. They currently work, research and teach at ALICE, EPFLausanne, and in the Chair of Architectural Heritage and Sustainability at ETHZurich.

They are currently editing the forthcoming book Unearthing Traces, Dismantling the imperialist entanglements of archives, landscapes and the built environment(PPUR, 2023) together with Denise Bertschi and Nitin Bathla. They write in several architectural and philosophical journals and magazines, such as Architecture and Culture, Charrette, Plan Libre, L’atelier Magazine, GTA Papers and Tabula Rasa, and contributed to several books such as State, Society and Islam in the Western Regions of the Sahara (ed. F. Freire 2022) and Training spatial abilities: a workbook for students of architecture (ed. A. Gerber 2020).

Julien taught and teaches at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral level at EPFL and ETHZ in the format of studios, seminars and workshops, and has been tutoring Master thesis since 2020. In their pedagogies, they try to follow the radical perspective opened up by Paulo Freire, Audre Lorde, Mary Louise Pratt and Gayatri Spivak, understanding teaching as the creation of communities of knowledge and toward postdomination pedagogies. They have been engaged in institutional activism in the DRAGlab since its birth in 2020 at EPFL, advocating for more inclusive and diverse curricula by introducing and supporting antiracist, feminist and queer theories and practices within architecture schools.


[email protected]

+41 (0) 21 69 33203

Office : BP4321

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