Docta Manus – Drawing Structures
5 buildings by Mies van der Rohe

DOCTA MANUS, DRAWING STRUCTURES UE GC – EPFL, is the first publication that shows a selection of 24 working drawings from an atelier of 30 students in civil engineering and architecture that took place during the autumn semester 2020 at EPFL. Each student analyzed one out of five selected projects of Mies van der Rohe, exploring adequate scales, drawing types and techniques to understand the project’s structure and construction principles.

The drawings thus include dimensioning and fabrication notes up to catalogue of elements, mounting principles and sequence. The careful construction of layers of information by hand builds up into tactile working drawings that embody the spatial and tectonic ideas as well as the construction process of a structure.

This Teaching Unit has received financial support from the Section of Civil Engineering. The lecturers are very appreciative of the support received and would like to thank Dr. Pascal Turberg for his constant support, time and personal involvement.

Patricia Guaita – ENAC IA ALICE

Raffael Baur – external expert ENAC

Miguel Fernández Ruiz – IBETON

David Fernandez-Ordoñez – fib, host Professor, IBETON


student assistant

Ana Carvalho



Raffael Baur, Patricia Guaita, Ana Carvalho


graphic design

Studio Otamendi, Brussels


print & binding

Neoprint, Morges @ 2021 authors



Elena Canomeras, Baptiste Vincens, Marie François, Daniel Maaroufi, Anna Streck, Pau Martí Triay, Barbara Palominos Baali, Amélie Burgniard, Liliana Florez Hernandez, Hamza Benzakour, Basir Borhani, Hugo Nick, Tristan Décoppet, Mike Lerjen, Nuno Mèndez Teixeira, François Romain Pichard, Justine Bourdette, Juliette Auer, Alexandre Mudry, Juliette Vincent, Thibault Ghesquière-Diérickx, Anne Steullet, Michael Stirnimann, Carole Baslé, Stefanie Tietz, Sarah Hahusseau, Marouane Berrada, Alexandros Trivizas, Lily Blanchard