

Laila Seewang is an architect, historian, and theorist whose research uses infrastructural networks as lenses through which to study how society translates cultural values onto material supply chains through design. She is the co-editor of a special double issue of Architectural Theory Review, Timber Constructed: Towards an Alternative Material History (2021) and has also written about German architectural historiography, public toilets in Berlin, infrastructure as design, brick manufacturing in Brandenburg, timber histories of the Pacific Northwest USA, and rapid sand filters in central Massachusetts. She has a Doctor of Science in architectural history and theory from the ETH Zürich and sits on the Board of Directors of Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative. She has previously taught at ALICE as Studio Director and is currently Assistant Professor in the School of Architecture at Portland State University where she teaches design studios and architectural and urban history and theory.


021 693 80 03

office: BP4221

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