Snapshots of Numerical Analysis

A Conference Celebrating Martin Gutknecht’s 70th Birthday


The conference will take place at EPFL in the room BI A0448.

Invited Speakers

Peter Arbenz, ETH Zürich

Jean-Paul Berrut, Université de Fribourg

Marlis Hochbruck, KIT

Volker Mehrmann, TU Berlin

Miro Rozloznik, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Thomas Schmelzer

Zdenek Strakos, Charles University

Paul Van Dooren, UC Louvain

Jens-Peter Zemke, TU Hamburg-Harburg


09:15 – 09:30 Opening

09:30 – 10:10 Volker Mehrmann 
Large scale eigenvalue problems, are they still a challenge?

10:10 – 10:50 Paul Van Dooren
Structured backward stability of generalized eigenvalue problems.

10:50 – 11:10 Coffee break

11:10 – 11:50 Jean-Paul Berrut
Degree of precision maximizing linear barycentric rational interpolation.

11:50 – 12:30 Peter Arbenz
Bone structure analysis on multiple GPGPUs.

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break

13:30 – 14:10 Marlis Hochbruck
On Lawson methods for semilinear stiff problems

14:10 – 14:50 Thomas Schmelzer
Seven years in finance Linear algebra meets Wall Street.

14:50 – 15:10 Coffee break

15:10 – 15:50 Jens-Peter Zemke
Sonneveld methods: Lost relatives.

15:50 – 16:40 Miro Rozloznik
Orthogonalization with respect to inner products and bilinear forms in relation to 
cholesky-like factorizations.

16:40 – 17:00 Coffee break

17:00 – 17:40 Zdenek Strakos
Preconditioning and the conjugate gradient method in the context of solving PDEs.

The dinner will take place at 19:00 at La Table de Vallotton at the Rolex learning center.


If you are interested in attending this event, please send a message until 1.10.2014 to Annick Gaudin ( 

 Please state whether you are interested in joining the dinner, which requires a contribution of CHF 40.-