Physics of Aquatic Systems Laboratory APHYS

- Physics of Aquatic Systems Laboratory (APHYS)
- The aims of the APHYS Laboratory are to understand the physical processes in natural waters and specifically the responses and sensitivities of aquatic systems to external forcing. The main focus is on anthropogenic influences, such as nutrient and particle inputs, hydropower production, use of heat and cold from natural waters, and climate change.

Lake Geneva: real time water quality
Find more about the operational system we develop to monitor and forecast the bio-physical state of four Swiss lakes on :

LéXPLORE – une plateforme pour explorer le Léman
L’installation d’une plateforme flottante de 100 m2 au large de Pully devrait permettre aux scientifiques de percer les mystères du Léman et des lacs. Cinq institutions (CH, F) travaillent sur le projet.

Thetis letters
Every Friday, part of the data measured over the previous week by the Thetis autonomous profiler in Lake Geneva is being summarized just like if the Thetis was sending us a letter.