BCI Courses



Courses @ EPFL


BS course: Electrical engineering science and technology / Material Engineering Bachelor Program

Textbook of the course



Course topics:

Conventions: normalization, symbols and units, graphic representations of elements

Electricity fundamental laws: charges and electric field, currents, electric potential and voltages, Ohm’s, Joule’s and Kirchhoff’s laws

Circuit elements: voltage and current sources, resistance and resistor, inductance and inductors, capacitance and capacitor

Analysis of continuous circuits: equation implementation, transformation, Thévenin and Norton theorems, Node method, Mesh method

Slides & Exercises @ Moodle/EPFL (in French)


MS courses: Bio-nano-chip design / Electrical Engineering Master Program


Textbook of the course



Course topics:

Currents and capacitive-effects in water solutions

Introduction to biological molecules

Thermodynamics of molecular Interactions

Nanotechnology for molecular assembly on chip’ surfaces 

Nanotechnology to prevent electron transfer

Nanotechnology to enhance electron transfer

Chip design for electrochemical sensing: basic configurations

Chip design for biosensing with label-free capacitance mode (CBCM & FTCM Methods)

Chip design for biosensing in constant-bias (Current-to-Voltage & FTCC Methods)

Chip design for biosensing in voltage-scan (VDCM & DDSM Methods)

Slides & Exercises @ Moodle/EPFL (in English)


MS courses: Analog circuits for biochip / Electrical Engineering Master Program


Textbook 1 of the course

Textbook 2 of the course



Course topics:

Principles of biosensing: Target/Probe Interactions

Electrochemical biosensing: three-electrode electrochemical cell and its equivalent circuits

Basic CMOS configurations for electrochemical biosensing

Voltage-ramp generators on chip 

Current readers: current-to-voltage and current-to-frequency conversion

Wireless transmission in lossy media: issues on temperature, specific absorption rate (SAR) and efficiency

Regulation aspects of wireless transmission close or in living matter: maximum value of the SAR and the temperature with respect to the frequency of operation and the body tissue.

Power suppliers: non-rechargeable battery, rechargeable battery, super-capacitor, and storing capacitor

Different types of remote powering coupling between control units and remote biosensors

Passive (load modulation and backscattering) and active transmitters for RF communication

System Configuration for remote powering operation and data communication

Slides & Exercises @ Moodle/EPFL (in English)


PhD course: Nano-Bio-Sensing and Bio/CMOS interfaces / EDMI Doctoral School (& EDEE Doctoral School as well)


Textbook of the course



Course topics:

Bio for Probes/Targets building blocks

Bio for Probes/Targets interactions-1

Bio for Probes/Targets interactions-2

Bio for Detection principles-1

Bio for Detection principles-2

Nano for Probes immobilization

Nano for Probes layer checking-1

Nano for Probes layer checking-2

Nano to prevent the Electron Transfer

Nano to enhance the Electron Transfer

CMOS for metabolite (fixed voltage)

CMOS for metabolite (scanning voltage)

CMOS for multi-metabolites monitoring

CMOS for multi-metabolites monitoring

CMOS for remote data/power transmission 

Slides & Exercises @ Moodle/EPFL (in English)


PhD course: Usability Engineering / EDEE Doctoral School


Textbook of the course



Course topics:

  • Examples of devices with reference to their usability: both complete and in design
  • Definitions of Devices’ Usability and related Human Factors Engineering
  • Human Cognition and Product Design:
  • Human Perception, Human Learning, Human Memory and Attention
  • Human Physiology and Product Design:
  • Ergonomics
  • Human Factors and the Product Design and Development Process
  • Human Factors and Usability Research Methods
  • Human Factors and:
  • Software Applications
  • Transportation
  • Medical Devices
  • Consumer Products
  • Human Factors and Usability Research Methods


BS course: IC design I / Electrical Engineering Bachelor Program


Textbook of the course


Course topics:

MOS transistors: structure, modes of operation, large and small signal models, thermal behavior, noise, fabrication process and layout

Passive devices: capacitors, resistors, MOS transistor used as a pseudo-resistor, diodes, interconnections

Parasitic devices and parasitic effects: parasitic capacitors and resistors, leakage currents

Basic analog structures design: a. Differential pair
b. Current mirror
c. Cascode stage d. Analog switch
e. Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) 

Slides & Exercises @ Moodle/EPFL (in French)


PhD course: Nanocomputing: Devices, Circuits and Architectures / EDEE Doctoral School

Course topics:

State of the art: nanocomputing in ULTRA scaled CMOS:

Field coupled nanocomputing (FCN):

Nanoarray nanocomputing based on nanowires:

Logic in memory:

Alternative nanocomputing devices and architectures

PhD Courses @ Politecnico di Torino

Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Elettronica e Delle Comunicazioni – Torino


PhD course: Bio/CMOS interfaces and co-design

Course slides available @ NanoEL Erasmus European project

Introduction of the course on youtube: click here


PhD course: Bio-Nano Electronics and BioMolecular Computing