Past student projects


  • Séverin Konishi: Firmware development for Envirobot V2.0 (Master (diploma) project).
  • Christopher Xu: Learning Quadruped Spine (Semester project).
  • Samy Gaillard: Multi-agent coordination for dense swarms in multiple layer using dynamical system modulation and deterministic annealin (Semester project).
  • Hanka Goralija: Learning to Throw Objects with Quadruped Robots (Semester project).
  • Paul Richard: Mobile Furniture motion control using human body language (Semester project).
  • Zahra Taghizadeh: Learning Realistic Neural Network for Quadrupedal Locomotion (Semester project).
  • Andrea Grillo: Firmware Development for a Sensorized Pleurobot (Semester project).
  • Heyun Luan: 737-Development of a treadmill with closed-loop control of speed for recording optical and X-ray videos (Semester project).
  • Serge El Asmar: Learning Dynamic and Robust Omnidirectional Jumping Skills for Quadruped Robots (Semester project).
  • Jan Sobotka: How Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Agents Understand the World: A Representation Study (Semester project).
  • Enzo Osman: Train a markerless salamander pose estimator with a synthetic dataset enhanced with real and generative images (Semester project).
  • Clement Asselin: Defect detection and correction in a 3D printing filament recycling line (Semester project).
  • David Croce: Development of a Series Elastic Actuator with Torque/Force Control (Semester project).
  • Bastien Chesaux Dapia: STM32 flashing over RS485 using a PIC microcontroller (Semester project).


  • Sandra L'Herminé: Development of a compact motor module with torque control (Semester project).
  • Jalen Geason: Updating the Omnibot Mobile Furniture Control Interface (unknown project type).
  • Fuka Higuchi: Development of an experimental setup to measure salamander body stiffness and damping (Bachelor semester project).
  • Tim Lücking: Quadruped Locomotion with Central Pattern Generators and Deep Reinforcement Learning (Semester project).
  • Nils Antonovitch: Control of a salamander robot using a CPG controller (Semester project).
  • Didier Neuenschwander: Development of a waterproof setup to measure ground reaction force during salamander locomotion (Semester project).
  • Oliver Colombini-Ljungberg: Machine Learning-based Control Model for Real Actuators (Semester project).
  • Minwen Mao: Using motion to support social communication of mobile furniture (Semester project).
  • Lisa Schneider: Implementation of depth control in ZBot 3D (Semester project).
  • Mathieu Schertenleib: Reinforcement learning for agile quadrupedal locomotion over challenging terrains (Semester project).
  • David Rüegg: Real-world application of obstacle avoidance algorithms for intelligent assistive furniture (Master (diploma) project).
  • Lina Bacha: Optimization of the Neural Input to a Spinal Cord Model During Upper Limb Movements (unknown project type).
  • Camille Dormoy: Personalized Parkinson Gait modelling (unknown project type).
  • Arthur Schramm: Data-driven modeling of locomotion using Imitation Learning in Drosophila (Semester project).
  • Antoine Delaloye: Exploring the relationship between vorticity and network architecture during swimming in the zebrafish (Semester project).
  • Nicolas Clivaz: Investigating the role of proprioceptive sensory feedback in the Zebrafish (Semester project).
  • Loïc Kreienbühl: Modeling and understanding the role of V1 interneurons in the adult zebrafish (Semester project).
  • Runze Zhang: Mobile furniture and human joined perception (Semester project).
  • Louis Gevers: Exploring role of morphology in amphibious fishes with amphibious robots (Semester project).
  • Constance De Trogoff Coatallio: Role of various spinal pathways in human upper limb control (Semester project).
  • Emma Boehly: Modulation of spinal pathways for human upper limb control in various environements (Semester project).
  • Laly Robyr: Investigating the role of proprioceptive sensory feedback in the Zebrafish (Semester project).


  • Lou De Bel-Air: Exploring the role of morphology in amphibious fish using amphibious robots (Semester project).
  • Cameron Haas: Design and Characterization of a spring-loaded leg (Semester project).
  • Lixuan Tang: Perception for closed-loop control of mobile furniture (Semester project).
  • Estelle Richard: Data gathering and analysis with DeepLabCut for robots (Semester project).
  • Dorian Bignet: Electronic and Embedded Systems Development for Envirobot (Master (diploma) project).
  • Théo Hermann: Real-Time Hybrid Control: Combining Reinforcement Learning and Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Systems (Semester project).
  • Selina Bothner: Development of An Printed Circuit Board (PCB) for Power Management of a Fish-like Robot (Z-Bot) (Semester project).
  • Malika Alicia In-Albon: Current based contact estimation for legged robots (Semester project).
  • Jonathan Henry: Software Architecture design for sensory integration in robot (Semester project).
  • Louise Genoud: Biologically realistic modeling of the salamander locomotion in closed loop (Semester project).
  • Alexandre De Terrasson De Montleau: Improving Roombot’s docking procedure (Semester project).
  • Lucas Represa: Role of various spinal pathways in human upper limb motor control (Semester project).
  • Lixuan Tang: Mobile Assistive Furniture Suite Real-Time Indoor Localization for Closed-Loop Control (Semester project).
  • Mehmet Arseven: Modular Robot Pose estimation (Semester project).
  • Alec Parrat: Roombots firmware and communication improvements (Semester project).
  • Léane Donzé: Roombots firmware and communication improvements (Semester project).


  • Guilain Brunoro: Control of various gait patterns for a salamander robot based on central pattern generators (Master (diploma) project).
  • Titouan Renard: Learning Motor Policies with Time Continuous Neural Networks (Semester project).
  • Xenia Titova: Visual marker aided autonomous generation of annotated image datasets of modular robot keypoints (Bachelor semester project).
  • Abir Hammoumi: Visual marker aided autonomous generation of annotated image datasets of modular robot keypoints (Bachelor semester project).
  • Estelle Barthelet: Neuromechanical simulations of 3D human locomotion (Semester project).
  • Erfan Etesami: Contact force parametrization for reverse engineering of animal locomotion based on bio-mechanical data (Semester project).
  • Tifanny Pereira Portela: Finding steppable (and un-steppable) terrain for quadrupedal locomotion (Semester project).
  • Maïk Guihard: Design and characterization of a bio-inspired multi-segmented leg consisting of spring and tendon (Semester project).
  • Claire Meyer: Prototyping of CPG network on STM32 microcontrollers with various types of buses (Master (diploma) project).
  • Chuanfang Ning: Omnibot: Mobile Furniture Baseline Development (Semester project).
  • Luca Zunino: Robotic reproduction of OMRs and Rheotaxis (Semester project).
  • Raphaël Destriau: More effecient searching of a fish-like robot by a simple fish brain? (Semester project).
  • Louise Placidet: Neuromechanical simulations of crouch gait in cerebral palsy patients (Semester project).
  • Rodrigo Martins Silviera: EnviRobot 1.5 (Internship).
  • Félix Ducret: Neuromechanical control of human 3D locomotion (Master (diploma) project).


  • Josep Rueda I Collell: Simulation and control of hip-based assisting strategies (Master (diploma) project).
  • Inès Bourbia: Reverse engineering muscle parameters in neuromechanical simulations (Bachelor semester project).
  • Luca Zunino: Assistance in the development of a zebrafish-like robot (Semester project).
  • Oganes Manasian: Assistive Drive Mode for an Electric Wheelchair (Master (diploma) project).
  • Nicolas Minder: Vision for Envirobot Gen2 and Motion Sensation (Semester project).
  • Guilain Brunoro: High-level controller for an amphibious robot based on potential fields (Semester project).
  • Alexandre Clivaz: Closed loop control of a flow tank (Semester project).
  • Shreyas Patel: Gait modulation of human locomotion in neuromechanical simulations (Bachelor semester project).
  • Carla Nannini: Using low dimensional feedforward signals to modulate a neuromuscular controller (Master (diploma) project).
  • Loïc Alder: Personalized musculoskeletal model from 3D reconstruction (Semester project).
  • Federico Conzelmann: Closed-loop control of a flow tank (Semester project).
  • Yi Zhou (Celinna) Ju: Mobile robotic furniture with Roombots (Semester project).
  • Romain Donzé: Development of musculoskeletal model of non-human primate (Master (diploma) project).
  • Salim Ben Ghorbel: Modeling pathologies in human locomotion (Semester project).
  • Alexandre Bagnoud: Development of musculoskeletal model of non-human primate (Semester project).
  • Niccolò Stefanini: Reinforcement learning: learn to perform different movements using realistic skeletal models (Semester project).
  • Florian Richter: Improvement of AgnathaX speed based on biological parameters and presentation of a new recording and tracking method (Semester project).
  • Luc Reveyron: Waterproof Camera Module & Field-Proofing for Amphibious K-rock2 Robot (Semester project).
  • Jean Duquenne: Development of a simulation environment for the Autonomyo exoskeleton for neuro-muscular controller simulation (Semester project).
  • Nicolas Feppon: Learning to move around combining reflexes and cpgs for a bio-inspired human model (Semester project).


  • Francisco Ramirez Serrano: Robot visualization and feedback for out-of-sight operation (Semester project).
  • David Batschelet: ANSYS Fluent Analysis of a flow tank (Semester project).
  • Artur Jesslen: Real-time estimation of ground reaction forces during human locomotion (Semester project).
  • Loïc Cordey: Identification of possible reflex pathways from perturbation studies (Semester project).
  • Paul Moineville: Identification of possible reflex pathways from perturbation studies (Semester project).
  • Sofia Dandjee: Analysis of gait for patients with Cerebral palsy using OpenSim (Semester project).
  • Alice Bruel: Neuromechanical simulations of healthy and spinal cord injured locomotion (Master (diploma) project).
  • Chenhao Li: Analysis, Design and Implementation of a Bio-inspired Passive Tail for Amphibious Robots (Internship).
  • Maxim Bianchini: Torque control of brushless motor for amphibious robotics (Semester project).
  • Thomas Havy: Traversability pipeline for Krock 2 (Semester project).
  • Julien Couyoupetrou: Learning to move around combining reflexes and cpgs for a bio-inspired human model (Semester project).
  • Paul Callens: Design of an aeroponic system with plant growth monitoring for precision farming (Semester project).
  • Carla Nannini: Modulation of reflex parameters in human walking (Semester project).
  • Clara Viatte: Modeling spasticity behavior in human pathological locomotion (Semester project).
  • Céline Provins: Adapt morphology of biomechanical models to specific patients from marker placements (Semester project).
  • Maxime Riou: Building a 3D mouse treadmill for locomotion experiments (Semester project).
  • Didier Negretto: MOUSE TREADMILL CONTROL (Semester project).
  • Savyaraj Deshmukh: Implementation of oscillator models and tools for analyzing coupled oscillators in FARMS (Semester project).
  • Yassine Ahaggach: Design and improvement of the electronics for a hand exoskeleton (Semester project).
  • Beryl Yersin: Firmware and Software Development for a Hand Exoskeleton (Semester project).


  • Marion Claudet: Spinal Cord Maps of Spatiotemporal Alpha-Motoneuron Activation in Neuromechanical Simulations of Human Walking and Comparison wi (Internship).
  • Adrien Chassignet: Networking and Data Collection for Amphibious Field Robotics via Robot Operating System (ROS) (Semester project).
  • Weipeng Li: Implementation of polynomial muscle joint coupling (Semester project).
  • Paul Prevel: Sensitivity analysis on reflex parameters of a bio-inspired locomotion controller and mimetism based optimisation (Semester project).
  • Oleg Gelfort: Studying the role of different muscle models on the low level control of lower limb (Semester project).
  • Simon Honigmann: Development of a passive tail test platform for amphibious robots (Semester project).
  • Blaise Etter: Multimodal controller design and characterization using somatosensory feedback for salamander locomotion (Semester project).
  • Yi-Shiun Wu: Closed loop control of a flow tank (Semester project).
  • Corentin Puffay: Neck modeling to understand the mechanisms underlying posture control and balance (Semester project).
  • Julien Lombardo: Interactive Console for Robot Control and Monitoring (Semester project).
  • Ibrahim Youssef: A biologically inspired visuo-motor controller for autonomous robotic lamprey (Master (diploma) project).
  • Hala Khodr: Collaborative locomotion in self-reconfigurable modular robots (SRMR) (Master (diploma) project).















