Past student projects
- Séverin Konishi: Firmware development for Envirobot V2.0 (Master (diploma) project).
- Christopher Xu: Learning Quadruped Spine (Semester project).
- Samy Gaillard: Multi-agent coordination for dense swarms in multiple layer using dynamical system modulation and deterministic annealin (Semester project).
- Hanka Goralija: Learning to Throw Objects with Quadruped Robots (Semester project).
- Paul Richard: Mobile Furniture motion control using human body language (Semester project).
- Zahra Taghizadeh: Learning Realistic Neural Network for Quadrupedal Locomotion (Semester project).
- Andrea Grillo: Firmware Development for a Sensorized Pleurobot (Semester project).
- Heyun Luan: 737-Development of a treadmill with closed-loop control of speed for recording optical and X-ray videos (Semester project).
- Serge El Asmar: Learning Dynamic and Robust Omnidirectional Jumping Skills for Quadruped Robots (Semester project).
- Jan Sobotka: How Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Agents Understand the World: A Representation Study (Semester project).
- Enzo Osman: Train a markerless salamander pose estimator with a synthetic dataset enhanced with real and generative images (Semester project).
- Clement Asselin: Defect detection and correction in a 3D printing filament recycling line (Semester project).
- David Croce: Development of a Series Elastic Actuator with Torque/Force Control (Semester project).
- Bastien Chesaux Dapia: STM32 flashing over RS485 using a PIC microcontroller (Semester project).
- Sandra L'Herminé: Development of a compact motor module with torque control (Semester project).
- Jalen Geason: Updating the Omnibot Mobile Furniture Control Interface (unknown project type).
- Fuka Higuchi: Development of an experimental setup to measure salamander body stiffness and damping (Bachelor semester project).
- Tim Lücking: Quadruped Locomotion with Central Pattern Generators and Deep Reinforcement Learning (Semester project).
- Nils Antonovitch: Control of a salamander robot using a CPG controller (Semester project).
- Didier Neuenschwander: Development of a waterproof setup to measure ground reaction force during salamander locomotion (Semester project).
- Oliver Colombini-Ljungberg: Machine Learning-based Control Model for Real Actuators (Semester project).
- Minwen Mao: Using motion to support social communication of mobile furniture (Semester project).
- Lisa Schneider: Implementation of depth control in ZBot 3D (Semester project).
- Mathieu Schertenleib: Reinforcement learning for agile quadrupedal locomotion over challenging terrains (Semester project).
- David Rüegg: Real-world application of obstacle avoidance algorithms for intelligent assistive furniture (Master (diploma) project).
- Lina Bacha: Optimization of the Neural Input to a Spinal Cord Model During Upper Limb Movements (unknown project type).
- Camille Dormoy: Personalized Parkinson Gait modelling (unknown project type).
- Arthur Schramm: Data-driven modeling of locomotion using Imitation Learning in Drosophila (Semester project).
- Antoine Delaloye: Exploring the relationship between vorticity and network architecture during swimming in the zebrafish (Semester project).
- Nicolas Clivaz: Investigating the role of proprioceptive sensory feedback in the Zebrafish (Semester project).
- Loïc Kreienbühl: Modeling and understanding the role of V1 interneurons in the adult zebrafish (Semester project).
- Runze Zhang: Mobile furniture and human joined perception (Semester project).
- Louis Gevers: Exploring role of morphology in amphibious fishes with amphibious robots (Semester project).
- Constance De Trogoff Coatallio: Role of various spinal pathways in human upper limb control (Semester project).
- Emma Boehly: Modulation of spinal pathways for human upper limb control in various environements (Semester project).
- Laly Robyr: Investigating the role of proprioceptive sensory feedback in the Zebrafish (Semester project).
- Lou De Bel-Air: Exploring the role of morphology in amphibious fish using amphibious robots (Semester project).
- Cameron Haas: Design and Characterization of a spring-loaded leg (Semester project).
- Lixuan Tang: Perception for closed-loop control of mobile furniture (Semester project).
- Estelle Richard: Data gathering and analysis with DeepLabCut for robots (Semester project).
- Dorian Bignet: Electronic and Embedded Systems Development for Envirobot (Master (diploma) project).
- Théo Hermann: Real-Time Hybrid Control: Combining Reinforcement Learning and Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Systems (Semester project).
- Selina Bothner: Development of An Printed Circuit Board (PCB) for Power Management of a Fish-like Robot (Z-Bot) (Semester project).
- Malika Alicia In-Albon: Current based contact estimation for legged robots (Semester project).
- Jonathan Henry: Software Architecture design for sensory integration in robot (Semester project).
- Louise Genoud: Biologically realistic modeling of the salamander locomotion in closed loop (Semester project).
- Alexandre De Terrasson De Montleau: Improving Roombot’s docking procedure (Semester project).
- Lucas Represa: Role of various spinal pathways in human upper limb motor control (Semester project).
- Lixuan Tang: Mobile Assistive Furniture Suite Real-Time Indoor Localization for Closed-Loop Control (Semester project).
- Mehmet Arseven: Modular Robot Pose estimation (Semester project).
- Alec Parrat: Roombots firmware and communication improvements (Semester project).
- Léane Donzé: Roombots firmware and communication improvements (Semester project).
- Guilain Brunoro: Control of various gait patterns for a salamander robot based on central pattern generators (Master (diploma) project).
- Titouan Renard: Learning Motor Policies with Time Continuous Neural Networks (Semester project).
- Xenia Titova: Visual marker aided autonomous generation of annotated image datasets of modular robot keypoints (Bachelor semester project).
- Abir Hammoumi: Visual marker aided autonomous generation of annotated image datasets of modular robot keypoints (Bachelor semester project).
- Estelle Barthelet: Neuromechanical simulations of 3D human locomotion (Semester project).
- Erfan Etesami: Contact force parametrization for reverse engineering of animal locomotion based on bio-mechanical data (Semester project).
- Tifanny Pereira Portela: Finding steppable (and un-steppable) terrain for quadrupedal locomotion (Semester project).
- Maïk Guihard: Design and characterization of a bio-inspired multi-segmented leg consisting of spring and tendon (Semester project).
- Claire Meyer: Prototyping of CPG network on STM32 microcontrollers with various types of buses (Master (diploma) project).
- Chuanfang Ning: Omnibot: Mobile Furniture Baseline Development (Semester project).
- Luca Zunino: Robotic reproduction of OMRs and Rheotaxis (Semester project).
- Raphaël Destriau: More effecient searching of a fish-like robot by a simple fish brain? (Semester project).
- Louise Placidet: Neuromechanical simulations of crouch gait in cerebral palsy patients (Semester project).
- Rodrigo Martins Silviera: EnviRobot 1.5 (Internship).
- Félix Ducret: Neuromechanical control of human 3D locomotion (Master (diploma) project).
- Josep Rueda I Collell: Simulation and control of hip-based assisting strategies (Master (diploma) project).
- Inès Bourbia: Reverse engineering muscle parameters in neuromechanical simulations (Bachelor semester project).
- Luca Zunino: Assistance in the development of a zebrafish-like robot (Semester project).
- Oganes Manasian: Assistive Drive Mode for an Electric Wheelchair (Master (diploma) project).
- Nicolas Minder: Vision for Envirobot Gen2 and Motion Sensation (Semester project).
- Guilain Brunoro: High-level controller for an amphibious robot based on potential fields (Semester project).
- Alexandre Clivaz: Closed loop control of a flow tank (Semester project).
- Shreyas Patel: Gait modulation of human locomotion in neuromechanical simulations (Bachelor semester project).
- Carla Nannini: Using low dimensional feedforward signals to modulate a neuromuscular controller (Master (diploma) project).
- Loïc Alder: Personalized musculoskeletal model from 3D reconstruction (Semester project).
- Federico Conzelmann: Closed-loop control of a flow tank (Semester project).
- Yi Zhou (Celinna) Ju: Mobile robotic furniture with Roombots (Semester project).
- Romain Donzé: Development of musculoskeletal model of non-human primate (Master (diploma) project).
- Salim Ben Ghorbel: Modeling pathologies in human locomotion (Semester project).
- Alexandre Bagnoud: Development of musculoskeletal model of non-human primate (Semester project).
- Niccolò Stefanini: Reinforcement learning: learn to perform different movements using realistic skeletal models (Semester project).
- Florian Richter: Improvement of AgnathaX speed based on biological parameters and presentation of a new recording and tracking method (Semester project).
- Luc Reveyron: Waterproof Camera Module & Field-Proofing for Amphibious K-rock2 Robot (Semester project).
- Jean Duquenne: Development of a simulation environment for the Autonomyo exoskeleton for neuro-muscular controller simulation (Semester project).
- Nicolas Feppon: Learning to move around combining reflexes and cpgs for a bio-inspired human model (Semester project).
- Francisco Ramirez Serrano: Robot visualization and feedback for out-of-sight operation (Semester project).
- David Batschelet: ANSYS Fluent Analysis of a flow tank (Semester project).
- Artur Jesslen: Real-time estimation of ground reaction forces during human locomotion (Semester project).
- Loïc Cordey: Identification of possible reflex pathways from perturbation studies (Semester project).
- Paul Moineville: Identification of possible reflex pathways from perturbation studies (Semester project).
- Sofia Dandjee: Analysis of gait for patients with Cerebral palsy using OpenSim (Semester project).
- Alice Bruel: Neuromechanical simulations of healthy and spinal cord injured locomotion (Master (diploma) project).
- Chenhao Li: Analysis, Design and Implementation of a Bio-inspired Passive Tail for Amphibious Robots (Internship).
- Maxim Bianchini: Torque control of brushless motor for amphibious robotics (Semester project).
- Thomas Havy: Traversability pipeline for Krock 2 (Semester project).
- Julien Couyoupetrou: Learning to move around combining reflexes and cpgs for a bio-inspired human model (Semester project).
- Paul Callens: Design of an aeroponic system with plant growth monitoring for precision farming (Semester project).
- Carla Nannini: Modulation of reflex parameters in human walking (Semester project).
- Clara Viatte: Modeling spasticity behavior in human pathological locomotion (Semester project).
- Céline Provins: Adapt morphology of biomechanical models to specific patients from marker placements (Semester project).
- Maxime Riou: Building a 3D mouse treadmill for locomotion experiments (Semester project).
- Didier Negretto: MOUSE TREADMILL CONTROL (Semester project).
- Savyaraj Deshmukh: Implementation of oscillator models and tools for analyzing coupled oscillators in FARMS (Semester project).
- Yassine Ahaggach: Design and improvement of the electronics for a hand exoskeleton (Semester project).
- Beryl Yersin: Firmware and Software Development for a Hand Exoskeleton (Semester project).
- Marion Claudet: Spinal Cord Maps of Spatiotemporal Alpha-Motoneuron Activation in Neuromechanical Simulations of Human Walking and Comparison wi (Internship).
- Adrien Chassignet: Networking and Data Collection for Amphibious Field Robotics via Robot Operating System (ROS) (Semester project).
- Weipeng Li: Implementation of polynomial muscle joint coupling (Semester project).
- Paul Prevel: Sensitivity analysis on reflex parameters of a bio-inspired locomotion controller and mimetism based optimisation (Semester project).
- Oleg Gelfort: Studying the role of different muscle models on the low level control of lower limb (Semester project).
- Simon Honigmann: Development of a passive tail test platform for amphibious robots (Semester project).
- Blaise Etter: Multimodal controller design and characterization using somatosensory feedback for salamander locomotion (Semester project).
- Yi-Shiun Wu: Closed loop control of a flow tank (Semester project).
- Corentin Puffay: Neck modeling to understand the mechanisms underlying posture control and balance (Semester project).
- Julien Lombardo: Interactive Console for Robot Control and Monitoring (Semester project).
- Ibrahim Youssef: A biologically inspired visuo-motor controller for autonomous robotic lamprey (Master (diploma) project).
- Hala Khodr: Collaborative locomotion in self-reconfigurable modular robots (SRMR) (Master (diploma) project).
- Filip Efremov: (currently not available) (Semester project).
- Pierre Kibleur: Biomechanical model of the non-human primates upper limb: Estimation of afferent spinal maps (Master (diploma) project).
- Tristan Abondance: Bipedal passive dynamic walker with lateral stability (Semester project).
- Lucas Massemin: Development of Drosophila(Fruit Fly) simulation tools and framework (Semester project).
- Elias Klauser: EnVision - a vision system for Envirobot: Hardware aspects (Semester project).
- Roger Fong: EnVision, a Vision System for Envirobot (Semester project).
- Esther Lecompte: Fall detection in walking humanoid robots (Semester project).
- Dhruv Rajamani: Gazebo Simulator for COMAN (Bachelor semester project).
- Pratibha Bhatt: Late swing stumbling correction using a neuromuscular model (Bachelor semester project).
- Matthieu Dujany: Localization of an underwater swimming robot (Semester project).
- Iris Rentsch: Low-cost monopedal hopping robot (Semester project).
- Cirstiana Miranda: Machine vision and object tracking for COMAN (Internship).
- Ibrahim Youssef: Mapping upper body movement to haptic feedback for mobile robot control (Semester project).
- Alexandre Belhassen: Modelling of stepping reflex and physical growth (Semester project).
- Hugo Viard: Rimless wheel walker kit (Semester project).
- Philippe Verbist: Stair climbing controller for a humanoid robot using bio-inspired mechanisms (Semester project).
- Alberto Buccellato: State Estimation for the COMAN robot (Master (diploma) project).
- Hugo Kohli: Stereo vision in self-reconfigurable modular robotics (Semester project).
- Hugo Grall Lucas: Test and evaluation of a simulation model of upper body movement with kinetic assistance (Semester project).
- Andrea Di Russo: Biomechanical analysis of slow walking in helathy subjects and comparisons with the Neuromuscular Model (Semester project).
- Andrea Di Russo: Biomechanical analysis of stepping versus very slow walking (Semester project).
- Rui Vasconcelos: CPG and Tegotae-based Locomotion Control of Quadrupedal Modular Robots (Master (diploma) project).
- Arthur Gay: Development and testing of radio modules for robot communication (Semester project).
- Isaac Leimgruber, Quentin Bacuet: Dynamic equations of motion in the space of muscles (Semester project).
- Rafael Rolli: Effect of pressure feedback on walking model (Semester project).
- Son Pham-Ba: Exploration and Optimization of a Bio-inspired Leg Model for a Salamander Robot in an Aquatic Environment (Semester project).
- Philippe Greiner: Gait modulation of a humanoid robot, using bio-inspired mechanisms (Semester project).
- Théo-Tim Denisart: Hardware Integration of a Universal Gripper to the Roombot Module (Semester project).
- Pol Banzet: Integration of variable stiffness granular feet in a quadruped robot (Semester project).
- Fabien Sauty: Interactive Console for Robot Control (Semester project).
- Martin Barry: Investigation of the virtual muscles of a neuromuscular controller assisting paraplegic gait (Semester project).
- Quentin Golay: Passing objects: robot-robot interaction with universal grippers (Semester project).
- Matthew Harding: Running gaits control: modulation and transition from/to walking (Semester project).
- Thibaut Paschal: Undulatory swimming vs propeller based (Semester project).
- Frédéric Freundler: Young's modulus variation of a variable stiffness element based on jamming of compliant granules (Semester project).
- William Ponsot: Active connection mechanism for space exploration on Mars with modular robots (Semester project).
- Lionel Pierre Arn: Automatic speed controller for a treadmill (Semester project).
- Adan Häfliger: Autonomous vision based docking of roombots (Semester project).
- Hassan Arif: Design of an actuated foot with integrated sensors for sprawling posture robots (Semester project).
- Adi Vardi: Effect of compliance in modular robots structures on locomotion (Semester project).
- Radosław Patryk Dryzner: From Play-Doh to Roombots (Semester project).
- Valentin Zenon Nigolian: Immersive Interaction Framework for Self-reconfigurable Modular Robots (Semester project).
- Stéphane Bussier: Multi-sensory autonomous docking approach for a self-reconfigurable robot without mechanical guidance (Master (diploma) project).
- Laura Balthazard: Remote control for CPG-based robots (Semester project).
- Soran Alatas: Study of the learning rate of a new movement through a throwing game. (Bachelor semester project).
- Ahmet Safa Öztürk: Universal Gripper Controller Design with Visual Feedback (Semester project).
- Luca La Spada: Universal remote control for robots (Master (diploma) project).
- Romain Desarzens: Avoid damage during falling (Semester project).
- Laura Paez: Bio-inspired Methodology for Sprawling Posture Robotic Foot Design (Semester project).
- Thierry Dubosson: Effect of Foot Trajectory on Quadrupedal Locomotion (Semester project).
- Rémy Siegfried: Effect of Leg Design on Locomotion Stability for Quadruped Robot (Semester project).
- Michaël Moret: Hybrid Brain Computer Interface to Control Modular Robots (Semester project).
- Salif Komi: Improvement of Cheetah-cub locomotion by a new foot design (Semester project).
- Jonathan Selz: Inverse Dynamics Simulation Framework for a Generic Quadruped Robot (Semester project).
- Charlotte Moerman: Optimization of a bio-inspired locomotion controller for a small quadruped robot (Semester project).
- François Heremans: Postural control of a biped robot (Semester project).
- Emmanuel Pignat: Real-time of foot patch with RGB-D sensor and limited computational ressources (Semester project).
- Noémie Jaquier: Sensor Fusion For Speed Estimation On Quadrupedal Robots (Semester project).
- Olguta Robu: Unconventional gait exploration with Pleurobot. The side-winding gait (Semester project).
- Théo Lemaire: Detecting colored rectangular frames for robot navigation (Semester project).
- Isabelle Pitteloud: Exploring the Sensory Inputs of the Salamander’s Hind-Limbs (Semester project).
- Ayberk Özgur: Intelligent User Interface for Roombots (Semester project).
- Luc Girod: Mobile control interface for modular robots (Semester project).
- Audrey Schenker: Neuromuscular Model for Gait Pathology (Semester project).
- Nicolas Comte: Optimization of the locomotion of YAMOR structures (Semester project).
- Anwar Quraishi: Probabilistic Navigation Algorithms for Swimming Robots (Semester project).
- Jérémie Despraz: Super Ball Bot: Structures for Planetary Landing and Exploration (Master (diploma) project).
- Maxime Ameho: Treadmill speed control (Semester project).
- Matthieu Tardivon: Development of a new remote control (Semester project).
- Allan Barrea & Nicolas van der Noot: Walking with the CoMan by means of muscle models (Semester project).
- Salman Faraji: A Model-Based Control Approach for Locomotion Control of Biped Robots (Master (diploma) project).
- Nicolas Menard: Adaptation of Locomotion to the Change in Animal’s Body (Semester project).
- Lucian Marius Cucu: Applying Kalman filtering on a Quadruped Robot (Semester project).
- Matteo Nessi: Design of a compliant spine for the Locomorph robot (Semester project).
- Emmanuel Senft: Hybrid optimization with Roombots (Master (diploma) project).
- Florin Dzeladini: Implementation of a human feedback-based locomotion and its control by means of a feedforward component inspired by central pattern generators (Master (diploma) project).
- David Maksa: Intelligent User Interface for Roombots (Semester project).
- Tristan Vouga: Mobile force sensing on cheetahCub (Semester project).
- Akshara Rai: Movement Primitives based control of Pleurobot (Semester project).
- Yura Perov: Optimizing modular robots locomotion in simulation and applying results to the real-world robot (Internship).
- Salman Faraji: A Model-Based Control Approach for Locomotion Control of Legged Robots (Semester project).
- Safai-Naeeni Reza: Bioinspired leg design for a salamander robot (Semester project).
- Dieter Baldinger: Effects of morphological variation in locomotion using a salamander-like robot (Semester project).
- Damien Augsburger & Christopher Carballo: Exploitation of augmented passive dynamics for bipedal locomotion (Semester project).
- Salameh Patrice: Generation of ground locomotion for a salamander robot (Master (diploma) project).
- Junghyun Kim: Improving the crawling of a humanoid robot based on contact feedback (Semester project).
- Jérémy Blatter: Mobile control interface for modular robots (Master (diploma) project).
- The Anh Nguyen: Online Optimization for the locomotion of Roombots (Semester project).
- Frédéric Wilhelm: Online optimization for the locomotion of Roombots structures (Semester project).
- Manuel Stöckli: Reconfiguration algorithm for adaptive furniture (Master (diploma) project).
- Raphaël Cherney: Relative Positioning System for Mobile Robots (Semester project).
- Navid Khajeh Mahabadi: A novel design of a salamander-like robot based on 3D skeleton kinematics of real salamanders (Semester project).
- Rolando Rodas: Advanced Biped Locomotion in Real/Simulated Humanoid Robots (Master (diploma) project).
- Etkin Özgül: Automatic labeling for roombots tracking data (Internship).
- Ken Larpin: Co-evolution of Morphology, Control and Behavior (Master (diploma) project).
- Bernard Gütermann: Controlling toy flyers (Semester project).
- Frédéric Blanc: Controlling toy flyers (Semester project).
- Joël Rey: Design and integration of a multi-axis force sensor for the Roombots (Semester project).
- Nicolas Sommer: Design and integration of a multiaxis force moment sensor for a mobile quadruped platform (Semester project).
- Mike Rinderknecht: Design of a demo experimental setup for human augmentation (Semester project).
- Émilie Badri: Elasticity compensation using explicit learning (Master (diploma) project).
- Steve Berger: Energy consumption optimization and stumbling corrective response for bipedal walking gait (Master (diploma) project).
- Roderik Berthelin: Exotendons for assistance of human locomotion (Semester project).
- Patrick Sandoz: Feedback for stabilization during swimming in lamprey and salamander robots (Semester project).
- Xinkui Feng: Firmware Development for Roombots (Internship).
- Than-Khai Dinh: Grid Alignment and extendable grid for Roombots (Semester project).
- Louis Saint-Raymond: Hacking and controlling toy flyers (Semester project).
- Andreas Gassner: Hardware Development on quadruped robots (Semester project).
- Patrice Salameh: Limb designs for salamander and centipede robots (Semester project).
- Florin Dzeladini: Locomotion prediction of bipedal walking in monkeys (Semester project).
- Gilles Cressier: Mobile control interface for modular robots (Semester project).
- Jonathan Grizou: Modeling the salamander swimming gait with virtual muscles on a robotic platform (Master (diploma) project).
- Joan Marc Comellas Goberna: Multi-Camera 3D Tracking System (Semester project).
- Michka Mélo: Online adaptation of locomotion control to changes of body structure (Semester project).
- João Lourenço Silvério: Using sensory feedback to improve locomotion performance of the salamander robot in different environments (Master (diploma) project).
- Benjamin Fankhauser: BoxyBot II, the fish robot (Semester project).
- Marc Louis: CPG-Based Prosthetics Control (Master (diploma) project).
- Ebru Aydin: Co-evolution for Roombots (Master (diploma) project).
- Charles-Henry Houdemer: Control of biped locomotion inspired from walking in monkeys (Semester project).
- Philippe Laprade: Distributed Roombot Locomotion and Self-Reconfiguration (Master (diploma) project).
- Chiel Lintzen: Impedance controlled anthropomorphic exoskeleton model (Internship).
- Alexandre Tuleu: Improvement of the Cheetah Locomotion Control (Master (diploma) project).
- Sarah Moussouni: Rehabilitation robotics using Central Pattern Generators (Master (diploma) project).
- Gabriel Cuendet: Remote control for CPG-based robots (Semester project).
- Manon Picard: Roombots Reconfiguration Inverse Kinematics and Cooperative Movement Tasks (Semester project).
- Lorenz Küchler: Segmented Leg Design in Robotics (Master (diploma) project).
- Fabien A. Delaloye: Series Elastic Actuator (SEA): Laboratory set up for human augmentation and assistance (Semester project).
- Florian Barras: Stabilization of a Biped Robot with its arms - A Practical Approach (Semester project).
- Julia Jesse: A Kinematic Model for the iCub (Semester project).
- Nicolas Delieutraz: Adding an electric sense to a swimming snake robot (Master (diploma) project).
- Jesse van den Kieboom: Biped Locomotion and Stabilization - A Practical Approach (Master (diploma) project).
- Max Fremerey: Cheetah II robot (Internship).
- Ivan Kviatkevitch: Exploiting body dynamics on the Cheetah robot (Semester project).
- Emily Poplawski: Hardware for Cheetah robot (Internship).
- Panteleimon Zotos: Path Planning with the humanoid robot iCub (Semester project).
- Mikaël Mayer: Roombot modules - Kinematics Considerations for Moving Optimizations (Semester project).
- Alexandre Tuleu: Roombots - Central Pattern Generators, Symmetries and online learning (Semester project).
- Jocelyne Lotfi: Self-reconfiguration for Adaptive Furniture (Master (diploma) project).
- Pedro Lopez Estepa: Underwater Optical Communication (Semester project).
- Michel Ganguin: A GCC backend for Move processors (Master (diploma) project).
- Simon Ruffieux: Adaptive Locomotion Controller for a Quadruped Robot (Semester project).
- Christophe Richon: Analysis of Bluetooth game controllers (Master (diploma) project).
- Loïc Matthey: Chaotic systems for escape and exploration in robots (Semester project).
- Simon Rutishauser: Cheetah: compliant quadruped robot (Semester project).
- Martin Riess: Development and Test of a Simulation Model for the Cheetah Robot (Semester project).
- Lukas Benda: Hardware acceleration of image processing primitives (Semester project).
- Sandra Wieser: Locomotion in Modular Robotics - Roombot Module (Semester project).
- Simon Lépine: Locomotion in Modular Robots: YaMoR Host 3 and Roombots (Semester project).
- Michael Gerber: Path Planning with the Robotic Dog Aibo (Semester project).
- Julien Ruffin: Real-time bus compression (Semester project).
- Aïsha Hitz: Synchronization of movements of a real humanoid robot with music (Master (diploma) project).
- Jennifer Meinen: Visual location of a mark by the robot Aibo (Semester project).
- Benoit Rat: Adding vision to Salamander/Snake robots (Semester project).
- Christian Lathion: Biped locomotion on the Hoap2 robot (Master (diploma) project).
- Brian Jimenez: Centipede Robot Locomotion (Master (diploma) project).
- Jérôme Maye: Control of Locomotion in Modular Robotics (Master (diploma) project).
- Neha Priyadarshini Garg: Design of a Controller for the transition from Crawling to Sitting In a Humanoid Robot (Semester project).
- Cédric Favre: Environnement virtuel de modélisation de mouvements humains et de stimulation musculaire (Semester project).
- Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin: Modeling of a real quadruped robot using Webots simulation platform (Semester project).
- Julien Hamilton: Navigation system improvement for planetary rovers (Master (diploma) project).
- Pierre-Arnaud Guyot: Programming the robotic dog AIBO (Semester project).
- Matteo Thomas de Giacomi: Robotics Applications of Vision-Based Action Selection (Master (diploma) project).
- Elia Palme: Stereo Vision Library for Obstacle Avoidance Applications (Master (diploma) project).
- Simon Blanchoud: Study of the new Roombots modules (Semester project).
- Patrick Amstutz: Synchronization of movements of a real humanoid robot with music (Semester project).
- Sébastian Gay: Toward Emancipation of Furniture. A Kinematics-Dependent Reconfiguration Algorithm for Chain-Type Modular Robots (Master (diploma) project).
- Michel Yerly: YaMoR Lifelong Learning (Master (diploma) project).
- Fabrizio Patuzzo: A bio-inspired robot controller (Master (diploma) project).
- Julien Nicolas: Artificial evolution of controllers based on non-linear oscillators for bipedal locomotion (Master (diploma) project).
- Ariane Pasquier: BoxyBot 2.0: Get ready for the exhibition! (Semester project).
- Martin Biehl: Coupled chaotic systems for dynamic emergence of locomotion (Semester project).
- Rafael Arco Arredondo: Design and simulation of locomotion of self-organising modular robots for adaptive furniture (Master (diploma) project).
- Andrina Brun: Environnement de réalité virtuelle pour la rééducation de paraplégiques (Semester project).
- Sébastien Cevey: Exploration of module design and reconfiguration (Semester project).
- Sarah Marthe: Java Applet for the Locomotion Controller of the Salamander Robot (Semester project).
- Matteo Thomas de Giacomi: Locomotion Exploiting Body Dynamics (Semester project).
- Michel Speiser: Optimization of real-world problems through hybrid-strategy (Master (diploma) project).
- Raphaël Haberer-Proust: Remote control of the Aibo camera from Webots (Semester project).
- Adamo Maddalena: YaMoR II (Master (diploma) project).
- Edouard Goupy: A new approach to intelligent SheepDog, by an Animal-Interactive robot (Master (diploma) project).
- Giorgio Brambilla: Adaptive CPG for AIBO (Master (diploma) project).
- Vlad Trifa: Associative Memory Models Based on Coupled Oscillators (Semester project).
- Jérôme Maye: Bluetooth Configuration of an FPGA: An Application to Modular Robotics) (Semester project).
- Daisy Lachat: Boxybot: design and realization of a fish robot (Semester project).
- Alain Dysli: Design of an ARM based microcontroller circuit board for the Amphibot II robot (Semester project).
- Sacha Contantinescu: Design of fish robot sensory system (Semester project).
- Pascal Cominoli: Development of a physical simulation of a real humanoid robot (Master (diploma) project).
- Daniel Marbach: Evolution and Online Optimization of Central Pattern Generators for Modular Robot Locomotion (Master (diploma) project).
- Barthélémy von Haller: Framework for the Simulations of Modular Robots and Self-Organisation of Locomotion under Water (Master (diploma) project).
- Etienne Dysli: ODE Framework for the Robotic Dog AIBO (Semester project).
- Jérôme Guerra: Reliable Oscillator from Unreliable Elements (Master (diploma) project).
- Martin Rumo: Simulation Framework for Generalized Integro-Reaction-Diffusion Systems (Exchange project).
- Marc-Antoine Nüssli: Traveling Wave Pattern Generator using Reaction-Diffusion Systems (Master (diploma) project).
- Kevin Drapel & Cyril Jaquier: Using Bluetooth to Control a YaMoR Modular Robot (Semester project).
- Kevin Drapel & Cyril Jaquier: YaMoR Modular Robot (Semester project).
- Muhamed Mehmedinovic: A humanoid Judoka robot (Semester project).
- Biljana Petreska: A neural visuomotor controller for a simulated salamander robot (Master (diploma) project).
- Stephan Singh: A salamander Java applet compatible with Java 1.1 (Semester project).
- Lukas Hohl: Aibo Simulation in Webots and Controller Transfer to Aibo Robot (Semester project).
- Ludovic Righetti: Control and Synchronization with Nonlinear Dynamical Systems for an application to Humanoid Robotics (Master (diploma) project).
- Rico Möckel: Design and construction of an autonomous modular robot unit with Bluetooth and FPGA (Internship).
- Pascal Cominoli: Development of a physical simulation of a real humanoid robot (Semester project).
- Fritz Menzer: Modeling transient behaviour in vocal fold vibration using bifurcating nonlinear ordinary differential equation systems (Master (diploma) project).
- Elmar Dittrich: Modular Robot Unit - Characterisation, Design and Realisation (Internship).
- Jérôme Braure: Participation to the Construction of a Salamander Robot: Exploration of the Morphological Configuration and the Locomotion Controller (Master (diploma) project).
- Bertrand Mesot: Self-Organisation of Locomotion in Modular Robots (Master (diploma) project).
- Yvan Bourquin: Self-Organization of Locomotion in Modular Robots (Internship).
- Jean-Philippe Egger: Simulated Robot Programming Contest (Semester project).
- Stéphane Mojon: Using nonlinear oscillators to control the locomotion of a simulated biped robot (Master (diploma) project).
- Lukas Hohl: Wireless Remote Control and Monitoring of an Aibo Robot (Semester project).
- Daniel Marbach: Adam - A Modular Robot Simulation and Evolution Tool (Semester project).
- Anurag Tripathi: Analysis of hydrodynamic forces on a swimming salamander model (Internship).
- Stéphane Rossi: Artificial evolution of locomotion controllers for the salamander (Semester project).
- Younes Majdouline: Design of locomotion controllers using nonlinear oscillators (Master (diploma) project).
- Simon Capern: Development of a salamander robot simulation (Semester project).
- Mathieu Salzmann: Development of quadruped locomotion controllers based on nonlinear oscillators (Semester project).
- Sébastien Catherinet: Java applet of the salamander neuromechanical simulation (Master (diploma) project).
- Stéphane Mojon: Realization of a Physic Simulation for a Biped Robot (Semester project).
- Edouard Goupy & Guillaume Du Pasquier: Synchronization of nonlinear oscillators via Bluetooth (Semester project).
- Julien Gagnet: Webview - An Internet Interface for Webots (Internship).