
Biorob Twitter’s page



January: Ignacio Abadía Tercedor joins Biorob as a visiting Postdoc for 6 months.

January: Auke Ijspeert gives a talk at the Conference on Robots for Science organized by Science Robotics at the The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


December:  Article in Nature on “Fast ground-to-air transition with avian-inspired multifunctional legs” in a collaboration with Dario Floreano and Monica Daley. See the EPFL news item.

October: Louis Gevers joins Biorob for 6 months as an engineer to work on our amphibious robots projects.

October: Auke Ijspeert gives a keynote presentation at IROS2024 in Abu Dhabi. See a YouTube recording here and here (whole day).

July: David Ruegg joins Biorob for 6 months as an engineer to work on our assistive furniture project.

May: Biorob participates to the AI for Good conference in Geneva with demos of amphibious robots and a presentation by Auke Ijspeert. See also directly on YouTube.

May: Together with Stefan Schaal and Jun Nakanishi, Auke Ijspeert receives the ICRA most influential paper award.

April: Article in Nature Communications about viability and gait transitions. See the EPFL news item.

April: Auke Ijspeert participates to the Nature conference on “Transformative Technologies for Neuroengineering” in Shenzhen.

January: Lixuan Tang joins Biorob as a PhD student to work on distributed learning and control in our assistive furniture project in a collaboration with Prof Jan Rabaey from IMEC.


December: Article on KRock 1 and 2, our crocodile-like robots for filming wildlife and search and rescue in Science Robotics (cover):  Animal robots in the African wilderness: Lessons learned and outlook for field robotics. See the EPFL news item.

November: Visit of Professor Edoardo Datteri

October: Chuanfang Ning joins Biorob as a PhD student to work on the Salamandra project

May: Review article with Pavan Ramdya in Science Robotics:   The neuromechanics of animal locomotion: From biology to robotics and back

May: Qiyuan Fu joins Biorob as a Postdoc to work on the Salamandra project

April: Visit of PhD student Anna Astolfi for 6 months.

March: Visit of Professor Marco Tamborini

February: Giulia Ramella joins Biorob as a co-supervised student with Dr Mohamed Bouri (first supervisor).

February Celinna (Yi) Ju joins Biorob as an engineer to work on the CIS-funded assistive robotics project.

January: Alessandro Menichelli joins Biorob as an engineer to work on the CIS-funded assistive robotics project.


May: Our article on NeuroMechFly, a neuromechanical simulation of the fruitfly, written with Prof Pavan Ramdya’s lab is out in Nature Methods. See also the EPFL news item.

May: Podcast (in French) by Auke Ijspeert: S’inspirer du monde animal pour mieux comprendre le vivant (in the series: Sur les traces du vivant).

May: Aurelien Morel joins Biorob as a PhD student to work on distributed learning and control in our Roombots project in a collaboration with Prof Jan Rabaey from IMEC.

April: Andrea Ferrario joins Biorob as a postdoc on the ERC Salamandra project.


December: Raphael Zufferey joins Biorob and LIS (the lab of Prof D. Floreano) as a postdoc with his own Marie Curie individual fellowship grant (MSCA IF H2020).

November: Alessandro Pazzaglia joins Biorob as a PhD student to work on the ERC Synergy Salamandra project.

September: Start of the ERC Synergy Salamandra project together with Andras Simon (Karolinska Institute, Sweden) and Dimitri Ryzcko (U. of Sherbrooke, Canada). See the EPFL news item from Nov 2020. Astha Gupta joins Biorob and this project as a PhD student.

August: Article in Science Robotics about the interplay of peripheral and central nervous systems providing remarkable robustness against lesions in undulatory swimming. See the article, the AgnathaX robot page, and a news item by EPFL.

August: Milad Shafiee joins Biorob as PhD student to work on a SNSF-funded project on quadruped robotics and machine learning.

July: Alexandros Anastasiadis joins Biorob as co-supervised PhD student (Prof Karen Mulleners as first supervisor) on biorobotics and fluid dynamics.

April: Anastasia Bolotnikova joins Biorob and RRL for a postdoc position funded by the Center of Intelligent Systems at EPFL. Guillaume Bellegarda joins Biorob as a postdoc to work on a SNSF-funded project on quadruped robotics and machine learning.


December: New PhD student position in biorobotics and fluid dynamics, see the open positions page.

November:  Mohsen Falahi joins Biorob with an Innogrant to work on his Exomotion startup.

October: Ozge Orhan joins Biorob as a PhD student on a joint project with Mohamed Bouri.

September: New Postdoc and PhD student positions in quadruped robotics and machine learning, see the open positions page.

September: Alice Bruel joins Biorob as a PhD student on a joint project with Grégoire Courtine.

September: Gizem Ozdil  joins Biorob as a PhD student on a joint project with Pavan Ramdya.

August 2020:  New Postdoc position in assistive and modular robotics, see

January 2020: Biorob and G-Lab (  anticipate to have one joint PhD student position in numerical simulations of human locomotion and epidural stimulation.


December 2019: Biorob’s website migrates to its new format like all other EPFL labs.

September 2019: Dimitar Stanev joins Biorob as a postdoc to work on numerical models of human locomotion.

August 2019: AMAM 2019 took place at EPFL, organized by Biorob.

April 2019: Matt Estrada and Xiangxiao Liu join Biorob as postdocs. Matt will work on amphibious field robotics, and Xiangxiao on numerical models of visually-guided behavior.

April 2019: Postdoc position in numerical models of human locomotion

March 2019: The research group REHAssist of Dr Mohamed Bouri is affiliated to the labs of Biorobotics (BIOROB) and Translational Neural Engineering (TNE)

January 2019: Iselin Froybu and Luca Randazzo join Biorob to work on their startup and their hand-exoskeleton project.

January 2019: Article in Nature on Reverse-engineering the locomotion of a stem amniote, with our new robot OroBOT that replicates the fossil of Orobates, an early tetrapod, and walks in its fossilized foot prints. See the Nature cover, the EPFL news item and the OroBOT page.


December 2018: Call for abstracts for AMAM 2019 that will take place at EPFL, Aug 19-23 2019.

September 2018: Open postdoc position in amphibious field robotics.

September 2018: Anne Koelewijn and Andrea di Russo join Biorob to work on the SNF-Sinergia funded SimGait project.

May 2018: Auke Ijspeert gives a talk on Animal Locomotion – Learning from Robots at WORLDS.MINDS MOBILITY in Zurich.

February 2018: Olexandr Gudozhnik joins Biorob as an electronic engineer to work on the TERRINet project.

February 2018: Biorob’s Envirobot is featured on  SRF Nano and SAT (in German).

February 2018: Biorob’s research is featured in RSI “il giardino di albert”, see 36:00 and later (in Italian).

January 2018: It is with great sadness that we have learned that our colleague and friend Jean-Marie Cabelguen has passed away (condolence page).

January 2018: Miroslav Caban joins Biorob as a PhD student in a collaboration with G-Therapeutics.

January 2018: We have two open positions (one PhD studentship and one postdoc) in neuromechanical modeling of human locomotion.


September 2017: our work on collective object carrying funded by COGIMON appears in PLOS-One and in the news. See also the EPFL news item on its application to humanoid robot walking.

September 2017: Laura Paez and Jonathan Arreguit O’Neill join Biorob, on a new HFSP-funded project.

July 2017: Envirobot is in the news. See the EPFL news item.

February 2017: Article in Nature Communications about the role of adhesion and climbing in insect gaits. See the article and the EPFL news item.

January 2017: Biorob designed a crocodile robot featured in BBC’s Spy in the wild. See EPFL news item.


November 2016: Biorob research is featured in Tages Anzeiger and on SwissInfo.

October 2016: Shravan Tata Ramalingasetty joins Biorob as a PhD student funded by the Human Brain Project

October 2016: Roombots, Cheetah-Cub, Pleurobot, and Envirobot showed live on Swiss German Television, during the coverage of the Cybathlon event, see the last video from 23:23 to 33:55.

September 2016: Mitsu Hayashibe (INRIA) joins Biorob as a visiting researcher for 2 months.

August 2016: Hamed Razavi joins Biorob as a postdoc on the WalkMan project.

August 2016: Roombots featured on the Swiss TV news program.

June 2016: Our Pleurobot paper appears in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface. See the EPFL news item and movie. It also makes the cover.

June 2016: The STI robot competition that Biorob helps organizing took place. See the EPFL news item and movie.

June 2016: Biorob’s research appears in, and makes the cover of Terre et Nature.

May 2016: Biorob organizes SSRR2016, the 14th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics, that will take place at EPFL on October 23-27th, 2016. Submission deadline: July 7th.

April 2016: Auke Ijspeert is promoted from associate to full professor.

February 2016: Biorob has moved to a new building ME D1 on the EPFL campus! See Contact.

February 2016: Nice videos by SwissNex San Francisco on Biorob’s participation to Bay Area Science Festival and on biorobots for Nouvo Sans Frontières (a Swiss television program).

January 2016: TED talk by Auke Ijspeert is online (was given at TED Global Geneva, Dec 8 2015).


December 2015: One open postdoc position in the compliant control of humanoid robots for walking and carrying objects, see

December 2015: One open PhD student position in neuromechanical models of vertebrate locomotion, see

November 2015:  Candidates interested in doing a PhD at Biorob can apply to the Robotics, Brain and Cognition program, a collaboration between IST Lisbon and EPFL. Deadline December 6 2015. see:

November 2015: Our robots are covered by (Awesome BioRobots Inspired by Animal Movements, and Meet Pleurobot, an Amphibious Robot) and by Reuters (Pleurobot).

November 2015: Our latest Envirobot is featured in the 2015 Nano-Tera video (at -2:25 min).

November 2015: Amy Wu wins the ‘Best Poster’ Award at the 2015’s EPFL BioEngineering Day.

November 2015: Thanks to SwissNex San Francisco, Biorob’s robots participated to several events at the 2015 Bay Area Science Festival in San Francisco, see Invasion of the Biorobots.

October 2015: Amy Wu joins Biorob as a postdoc to work on the Symbitron project.

September 2015: Susanne Lipfert joins Biorob as a postdoc with a fellowship from DFG.

September 2015: Steve Heim obtains a Highly commended paper award at CLAWAR 2015.

August 2015: Romain Baud joins Biorob as a PhD student co-supervised with Dr Mohamed Bouri from the LSRO laboratory.

July 2015: Auke Ijspeert joins the Board of Reviewing Editors of Science Magazine.

June 2015: Behzad Bayat joins Biorob as a postdoc to work on the Envirobot project.

May 2015: Auke Ijspeert presents the Envirobot project on SRF the Swiss German National Radio, and the Roombots project on RTS the Swiss French National Radio.

February 2015: Jessica Lanini joins Biorob as a PhD student to work on the new EU COGIMON project.

February 2015: New open postdoc position in the control of lower limb exoskeletons

January 2015: Howard Li joins Biorob as a visiting professor, Tadej Petric joins as a postdoc funded by the SCIEX program.


November 2014: Simon Hauser joins Biorob as a PhD student to work on the Roombots project.

October 2014: Review paper on biorobotics in Science

October 2014: Mehmet Mutlu joins Biorob with an IST-EPFL fellowship to work on the Roombots project.

August 2014: Best paper award at the IEEE RO-MAN 2014 conference.

August 2014: Kamilo Melo joins Biorob as a postdoc to work on the salamander robot project. Philippe Mullhaupt joins as a part time researcher.

May 2014: New article and EPFL Youtube video on the roombots project

May 2014: Open PhD position in modular robotics as assistive technology

May 2014: Daniel Renjewski joins Biorob as a postdoc to work on the EU project Symbitron.

March 2014: Some robots will be presented at the inauguration of the Swiss Tech Convention Center on April 5-6, the journal “24 Heures” presents a few

March 2014: Launch of the 2014 IST-EPFL doctoral program. Possibility to get funding for doing a PhD both at EPFL and a IST Lisbon (Portugal). See

March 2014: Open Postdoc position in guidance, navigation, control of swimming autonomous robots with applications to pollution detection

March 2014: Luca Colasanto joins Biorob as a postdoc to work on the EU project Walkman.

January 2014 : Thomas Estier joins the umbrella of Biorob to develop his startup thanks to an EPFL Innogrant

January 2014 : Tomislav Horvat joins Biorob as PhD student and Daniel Chapuis temporarily joins Biorob as a micromechanics trainee


December 2013 : Open postdoc position in the design and control of amphibious salamander-like robots

November 2013 : “CQFD” of Stéphane Gabioud, radio programme on the Roombots

November 2013: We unveil Pleurobot, our new salamander robot, and show Amphibot, Salamandra robotica, and Cheetah-Cub at the London Science Museum from Nov 27-Dec 1, see the article in The Telegraph Journal, in the Daily Mail Journal, in Stuff, in Motherboard and the programme of the BBC

October 2013 : “CQFD” of Stéphane Gabioud, special radio programme on robotics at the Learning Center of the EPFL. Intervention of Prof. Ijspeert on bio-inspired robots : listen to the intervention (in French)

September 2013: Salman Faraji joins Biorob as PhD student and Florin Dzeladini as civilist

June 2013: Peter Eckert joins Biorob as PhD student

June 2013: We unveil Cheetah-Cub, a lightweight compliant quadruped robot capable of reaching 6 bodylengths per second, in an article in the International Journal of Robotics Research

June 2013: NEW! Two PhD studentships and two Postdoc positions in the control of compliant humanoid robots and wearable exoskeletons, see Open positions

April 2013: Biorob presents its results at the EPFL Robotics festival (with more than 15’000 visitors)

March 2013: Salamandra robotica 2 is invited at Innorobo 2013.See also our new IEEE TRO article. Some media coverage: BBC, NewScientist, CNET,

January 2013: Kostas Karakasiliotis obtains his PhD and stays at Biorob as postdoc.


November 2012: Andrej Gams joins Biorob as postdoc.

September 2012: Robin Thandiackal joins Biorob as PhD student.
May 2012: The AmphiBot 3 and Pleurobot robots participate to the Journée de la robotique 2012 at EPFL.
April 2012: François Longchamp joins Biorob as a mechatronics engineer. Biorob has two openings (PhD and postdoc) in computational neuroscience and biorobotics.
January 2012: Luc Guyot joins Biorob as postdoc in the framework of a technology transfer project with Cyberbotics funded by the CTI.


November 2011: Biorob has now a YouTube channel, see It features a swimming race between our swimming robot Amphibot and Kostas, our fastest PhD student.

October 2011: Auke Ijspeert gives a keynote talk at the Humanoids 2011 conference.

August 2011: Prof. Herman van der Kooij (TU Delft and U of Twente) joins Biorob for one year as a visiting professor.

August 2011: Alexandre Tuleu joins Biorob as a PhD student funded by an IST-EPFL fellowship.

May 2011: The Salamandra robotica 2 and AmphiBot 3 robots participate to the Journée de la robotique 2011 at EPFL.

April 2011: The Salamandra robotica 2 and Amphibot 3 are exhibited at the Ecoles des Mines in Nantes, France, during the International Workshop on Bio-Inspired Robots. Press coverage in 20 minutesle Figarol’Express and Ouest-France.

January 2011: Massimo Vespignani joins BioRob as a PhD student to work on the Roombots project.


December 2010: Salamandra robotica is featured in a documentary on the Swiss German TV program Einstein.

October 2010: The Roombots project is featured in the German focus online magazine and in several blogs:

October 2010: Salamandra robotica is featured on the Swiss Italian TV science program Il giradino di Albert.

October 2010: Yannick Morel joins BioRob to work as a postdoc on the ANGELS project.

September 2010: The Locomorph and roombots projects are featured in a NewScientist article.

September 2010: open PhD studentship in design and control of compliant modular robots, see here.

July 2010: Mostaja Ajallooeian joins BioRob to work as a PhD student on the Amarsi project.

May 2010: Alexandre Tuleu joins BioRob to work on the Amarsi project.

May 2010: The Roombots and salamander robot projects are shown at the EPFL open days.

May 2010: Auke Ijspeert is interviewed on the Roombots project on the Swiss Radio, see “notre salon de demain”.

April 2010: The lamprey and salamander robots are shown at two public fairs in Bordeaux, see the article in the Sud-Ouest newspaper.

April 2010: The salamander robot is featured in a documentary on Swiss German TV, see here

March 2010: Wired science features an article about the AMARSi project.

March 2010:
Ludovic Righetti receives the European  Georges Giralt PhD Award 2010 for his PhD thesis!

February 2010: Sylvie Fiaux joins BioRob as the new administrative assistant. Stephane Bonardi joins as a PhD student to work on the Roombots project.

January 2010: Retirement of Marlyse Taric, our administrative assistant. Marlyse, thank you so much for everything!

January 2010:  The Biorobotics Laboratory page is replacing the BIRG page online.


November 2009: BioRob’s research on the iCub is featured in a radio documentary on IEEE spectrum, see here.

October 2009:  BioRob’s research is featured in a short documentary on the Swiss TV, see here and here.

October 2009:
Open PhD studentship in learning and control for compliant legged robots, see here.

September 2009: Auke Ijspeert is promoted to associate professor (with tenure), see here. BIRG becomes BioRob, the Biorobotics Laboratory, and we move from the School of Computer and Communication Sciences to the School of Engineering.

August 2009: Renaud Ronsse joins BIRG as a postdoc on the EVRYON project.

August 2009:
The iCub robot developed by the RobotCub consortium is featured in a news article in Nature see here.

May 2009: the Lampetra project with our lamprey and salamander robots is featured on BBC, see here.

April 2009: Soha Pouya, Rico Moeckel, Jesse van den Kieboom and Sebastien Gay join BIRG.

April 2009: Salamandra robotica is featured on IEEE Spectrum, see here, page 8.

February 2009: Andrej Bicanski joins BIRG as a PhD student to work on the SystemsX-funded project on modeling salamander locomotion.

February 2009: Mathieu Porez joins BIRG as a postdoc to work on the ANGELS EU project.

January 2009: The iCub robot developed by the RobotCub consortium is featured in a documentary on EuroNews

January 2009:
Salamandra Robotica and Amphibot go to the Techfest, Bombay, India. See here and here. Some articles in the Indian press: article1, article2, article3.


December 2008: BIRG guest-edits a special issue of Autonomous Robots on Control of locomotion: from animals to robots. Deadline April 1 2009

December 2008: BIRG guest-edits a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering on Emerging Technologies in Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics. Deadline Feb. 1 2009.

October 2008: NEW: BIRG has two PhD student openings in rehabilitation robotics and in reconfigurable robotics; and one postdoc opening in rehabilitation robotics.

June 2008: BIRG has one PhD student opening in computational neuroscience.

April 2008: Kostas Karakasiliotis joins BIRG as a PhD student.

March 2008: Jeremy Knuesel joins BIRG as a PhD student.

February 2008: Start of the EU-funded Lampetra project, together with SSSA (Pisa), Karolinska Institute (Stockholm), KTH (Stockholm), and INSERM (Bordeaux).


December 2007: Our article with W. Maass’ group at T.U. Graz received the best paper award at the IEEE-RAS Humanoids 2007 conference.

November 2007: NEW! BIRG has two PhD student openings in biologically inspired robotics.

November 2007: Visit for 6 months of Andrej Gams, PhD student at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).

October 2007: The EE Times publishes an article about our Roombots and Salamandra robotica projects.

October 2007: Call for papers for a workshop on Interactive and Adaptive Furniture, Aarhus, Denmark, Jan 21-22 2008.

September 2007: Salamandra robotica is invited to WIRED Nextfest at the Los Angeles Convention Center (Sept 13-16). See the video!

August 2007: Auke Ijspeert is interviewed on France Inter (French national radio) in the program “tout s’explique” (Aug 23).

July 2007: Visit for 6 months of Adel Akbary and Mehran Andani, PhD students at the University of Teheran (Iran).

June 2007: PhD Graduation of Alessandro Crespi and Jonas Buchli, congratulations!

May 2007: Visit of Professor Gora Nandi from IIIT Allahabad for six weeks.

May 2007: Participation of Auke Ijspeert to a public debate on the future of robotics organized by Nouvo, from the Television Suisse Romande, see here.

March 2007: Publication in Science’s March 9 issue of our latest model of the salamander central pattern generator and its implementation in a salamander robot. See the Salamandra robotica page.


December 2006: BIRG has guest-edited a special issue on “Dynamical Principles in Neuronal Systems and Robotics” in Biological Cybernetics (Vol. 95/6).

December 2006: The database with research projects for Master and Bachelor student has been updated. See here for the current list.

November 2006: Alessandro Crespi receives the Best Poster Award for the I&C doctoral program at the EPFL 2006 Research Day.

November 2006: Interview of Auke Ijspeert by Dr Moira Gunn for BioTech Nation on NPR, the US national public radio.

November 2006: Masoud Asadpour joins BIRG as a postdoctoral fellow to work on dynamical reconfiguration in modular robots.

October 2006: Monica Daley, postdoctoral fellow at the U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, visits BIRG for 2 weeks to start a collaboration on neuromechanical modelling.

October 2006: Research on the crawling of the iCub is featured on the swiss national broadcast 10vor10.

September 2006: The new Roombots project is featured in the swiss newspaper Le Temps.

July 2006: Our article on Aibo’s simulation in Webots is 6th in the hottest articles list of the Robotics and Autonomous Systems journal (in the period April-June 2006).

June 2006: Alexander Sproewitz joins BIRG as a PhD student.

May 2006: Ludovic Righetti is one the three finalists for the Best Student Paper Award at ICRA2006, the largest conference in robotics.

April 2006: Job offers! BIRG has two open Postdoc positions. See the Postdoc openings page.

April 2006: Sarah Degallier joins BIRG as a PhD student.

March 2006: Barbara Webb from the University of Edinburgh joins BIRG for two months as a visiting professor.

March 2006: The EPFL-Latsis Symposium 2006 took place with approx. 150 participants.

January 2006: The BioADIT 2006 conference took place with approx. 250 participants.


November 2005: Release of the call for poster abstracts for the EPFL-Latsis Symposium 2006.

November 2005: Job offers! BIRG has two open positions for PhD research assistantships. See the PhD openings page.

October 2005: BIRG’s research on adaptive locomotion control for humanoid robots is presented in Nouvo, a programme on the Swiss national television.

September 2005: Our Yamor article has received the “Industrial Robot Highly Commended Award” at the CLAWAR 2005 conference.

August 2005: Our Amphibot article is 4th in the hottest articles list of the Robotics and Autonomous Systems journal.

July 2005: Auke Ijspeert is interviewed on Espace 2, a swiss national radio, about his research on biologically inspired robotics.

May 2005: Launch of the Humanoids@EPFL web site. See also the article in EPFL’s Flash magazine.

April 2005: Fritz Menzer receives the Annaheim prize for his Master Thesis.

March 2005: Over 10 master and undergraduate students join BIRG for their projects. See People.

February 2005: The call for papers for AMAM 2005 and Bio-ADIT 2006 are distributed.

February 2005: A new page giving a Research overview of projects at BIRG is online.

January 2005: An article in the Swiss magazine Hebdo presents BIRG’s neurobiological modeling and robotics research projects. See pdf copy.


December 2004: Yvan Bourquin joins BIRG as a scientific collaborator.

November 2004: Our FIFO project (Fonds d’Innovation pour la FOrmation) has been accepted for funding by the EPFL

September 2004: Ludovic Righetti joins BIRG as a PhD student.

September 2004: Start of Robot-Cub, an integrated project funded by the European Commission.

September 2004: Auke Ijspeert gives a plenary talk at IWK49 .

August 2004: Interview of Auke Ijspeert on the Swiss Radio: archived Real Media file.

July 2004: SAB 2004 took place in Santa Monica. Proceedings can be found here: From Animals to Animats 8, MIT Press.

June 2004: Start of the ESA-funded “Bionics & Space System Design” project to which BIRG takes part.

May 2004: Start of Roboka, the new simulated humanoid robot wrestling competition, see “”.

March 2004: Biljana Petreska and Ludovic Righetti receive, respectively, the Annaheim and Landry prizes for their diploma work.

March 2004: Olivier Michel (Cyberbotics Ltd.) receives the second prize from the EURON Technology Transfer Award 2004 for the Webots Dynamics software.

March 2004: Elmar Dittrich, Rico Moeckel, Yvan Bourquin, Lukas Hohl, Pascal Cominoli, and Jean-Philippe Egger join BIRG as undergraduate students

January 2004: Bio-ADIT2004 took place with more than 170 participants plus 350 people following the presentations by video-conference.


November 2003: BIRG will participate to the EPFL’s efforts in the Solar Impulse project. See the press release.

October 2003: Jérôme Braure, Bertrand Mesot, Stéphane Mojon, Biljana Petreska, and Ludovic Righetti join BIRG as master students

October 2003: Lukas Hohl, Muhamed Mehmedinovic, and Stephan Singh join BIRG as undergraduate students

October 2003: Auke Ijspeert gives a keynote speach at the EPSCR Symposium on Evolvability and Interaction, Queen Mary University London. For a summary of the conference talks, check the Complexity Digest Virtual Conference Network page

September 2003: BIRG is hosting

September 2003: The new Website of BIRG is online!

September 2003: Cyberbotics started the Robot Judo Contest!

September 2003: BIRG is hosting

August 2003: BIRG is participating to the organization of From Animals to Animats 8, SAB’04, The Eighth International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB’04), July 13-17 2004, Los Angeles. The first CFP is sent out.

June 2003: BIRG organizes a tutorial at IROS 2003: Dynamical systems for biologically-inspired robotic motor control (Auke Ijspeert & Stefan Schaal).

June 2003: A project entitled “Locomotion in salamander: neural control, mathematical and neuro-mechanical modeling” in collaboration with Jean-Marie Cabelguen and Pierre Melchior (University of Bordeaux) has been accepted for funding by the French Ministere de la Recherche et de la Technologie (program Neurosciences Integratives et Computationnelles)

June 2003: BIRG is participating to the organization of BIO-ADIT2004, The first International Workshop on Biologically-Inspired Approaches to Advanced Technology, organized by the LSL and Osaka University. Sending of the first Call for Papers.

May 2003: Creation of the Physics-based robot simulation web page.

May 2003: Jonas Buchli joins as a PhD student.

April 2003: Dr Olivier Michel joins BIRG as a scientific collaborator. Alessandro Crespi joins as a PhD student.

March 2003: The CTI (Technology Transfer) proposal written in collaboration with Cyberbotics and submitted to the Swiss Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology has been accepted for funding.

February 2003: The salamander Java applet developed by Sebastien Catherinet is placed online.


December 2002: Ijspeert gives a plenary talk at the Human Centered Robotic Systems Symposium (HCRS 2002), Karlsruhe.

November 2002: Sebastien Catherinet and Younes Majdouline join BIRG as master students.

November 2002: Start of the Biologically Inspired Robotics Group (BIRG) at EPFL, Ijspeert moves from USC to EPFL.

May 2002: Ijspeert, Nakanishi and Schaal receive the Overall Best Paper award at ICRA2002, out of 1’172 submitted, 689 accepted papers.