Travel information

Traveling to BioRob at EPFL by public transport

By plane

The closest airport is Geneva (GVA), which is at 60 minutes by train & metro from the EPFL in Lausanne. Another option is to fly to Zurich (ZRH), and to take the train to Lausanne (2 hours and 30 minutes).

Map of Switzerland with main cities

By train

Trains are fast and convenient in Switzerland. To get to the EPFL you should take a train to Lausanne or to Renens (closer to the EPFL), and then take the M1 metro. For the SBB timetable, please click here. Another easy solution (e.g., when coming from Geneva Airport) is to take the train to Morges (which is in between Geneva and Lausanne, a bit further than Renens), and then the 701 bus towards Lausanne-Bourdonnette, and go out at the stop “St-Sulpice VD, Pâqueret”, next to the Learning Center (timetable).

By metro

From the Lausanne train station, there are three options:

  1. Take the metro M2 to “Flon” (direction “Croisettes”, 1 stop), change in Flon and take the metro M1 (also called TSOL) and exit at the stop “EPFL”. The whole trip should take approximately 25 minutes.
  2. Walk up the pedestrian street “Rue du petit chêne”, cross the road at the end of the pedestrian street, walk straight for 20m, and then turn left and walk down the stairs (“Escaliers du grand-chêne”) to the “Flon” metro station, and then the metro M1 (also called TSOL) and exit at the stop “EPFL”. The whole trip should take approximately 30 minutes.
  3. Take a local train to Renens, and then take the metro M1 (also called TSOL) and exit at the stop “EPFL”. The trip takes approximately 20 minutes.

From Renens (train station) you should take the metro M1 and exit at the stop “EPFL”. The trip takes approximately 7 minutes.

Once at the EPFL metro stop, you can walk to the BIOROB’s offices in the MED on the first floor, next to the Learning Center, see the map below (approximately 8 minutes). Auke Ijspeert’s office is ME D1 1226. The corridor is generally locked, if needed you can call at +41 21 693 2658, +41 21 693 2640 or +41 21 693 6630 when you arrive. There is also an internal phone in the main hall of the MED building (ground level), next to the elevator (when using that phone, only dial the last five digits).

Traveling to biorob at EPFL by car

The A1 Highway (direction “Lausanne-Sud”) has an exit “UNIL-EPFL” close to the EPFL. See the map below.


Walking to the BIOROB from the EPFL metro station

(map in pdf):

Larger map with the highway A1:

All detailed maps of the EPFL campus and neighboring areas are available here:

See also a nice 3D virtual tour of EPFL here: It includes a 3D picture of the Biorob lab (select the BIOROB lab from the top right menu).


Contact: Prof. Auke Jan Ijspeert
Biorobotics Laboratory
School of Engineering, Institute of Bioengineering
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
EPFL STI IBI BIOROB — ME D1 1226, Station 9
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Tel: (+41) 21 693 2658
Fax: (+41) 21 693 3705