
PhD student and postdoctoral position openings are frequently available in the group of Prof. Oleg Yazyev at the Institute of Physics, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. The research focuses on theoretical and computational aspects of graphene and other 2D materials and topological materials. Particular emphasis is made on the electronic, transport and magnetic properties of these materials as well as on nanostructures and defects. Group members benefit from outstanding computational facilities, close collaboration with experimental groups and the proximity of CECAM.

The applicants should have a degree in physics or equivalent, experience in programming and performing electronic structure calculations as well as an excellent level of English. Interested applicants should send their (1) application cover letter, (2) CV including publication list and (3) the contact information of their references to Prof. Oleg Yazyev <[email protected]>. Evaluation of candidates starts immediately and continue until the positions are filled.

Prospective PhD students should refer to the following webpage <http://phd.epfl.ch/EDPY> regarding the PhD program in physics at EPFL.

For further information please contact Prof. Oleg Yazyev <[email protected]>