Associate Vice President for Postgraduate Education
Nationality : italian, swiss
Office : ODY 2.05
Phone : [+41 21 69] 30050
Fax : [+41 21 69] 30060
Luisa Lambertini is a Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, where she holds the Chair of International Finance. She received her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1995, her Master of Science in Economics from the University of Warwick in 1989 and her Laurea cum Laude from the Universita’ degli Studi di Bologna in 1987. Before joining EPFL in 2007, Professor Lambertini was a faculty at Claremont McKenna College, Boston College, and the University of California at Los Angeles. . Professor Lambertini has been a consultant with the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and a Hoover National Fellow. Professor Lambertini’s research focuses on the interaction of monetary and fiscal policies; on introducing housing and mortgage default in macroeconomic models; on the analysis of regulation and macro-prudential policies in models with financial institutions. Several of her papers have hundreds citations and her research has been published in prestigious journals like the American Economic Review, the Review of Economic Studies, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomicsand the Journal of International Economics.
Since January 2021 Professor Lambertini is Associate Vice President for Postgraduate Education at EPFL. In this role, Professor Lambertini is responsible for the EPFL Doctoral School, which includes 2’300 PhD students in 22 doctoral programs in well-established as well as innovative and interdisciplinary research fields; she is also responsible for all EPFL Life-long Learning activities, which include a wide range of continuing education programs.
Professor Lambertini was President of the EPFL WISH Foundation in 2021-22 and Vice-President in 2019-21 and 2022 to present. She was President of the International Banking, Economics, and Finance Association, 2019-20; Member of the Advisory Council of the Society for Computational Economics, 2016-19. In 2011, Professor Lambertini was responsible for Economics and Statistics in the Committee for Funding Italian Research Project (PRIN). She played in the Italian National Handball team from 1977 to 1987.