Wissenschaftlicher Beirat

Prof. Ulrich Hoppe, University of Duisburg, Germany

Prof. Hoppe is a respected scientist in the field of computer-supported collaborative learning. He is professor of computer science but also very know for the development of learning environment that are daily used in German classrooms. He initiated the evolution of learning technologies towards very physical environments, an evolution that has influenced the research proposal f the leading house. Prof. Hoppe is also familiar with the dual organisation used by the German vocational training system.

Prof. Friedrich Hesse, University of TĂŒbingen, Germany

Prof. Hesse is the director of the Knowledge & Media Research Center and a leading scientist in educational psychology and learning technologies. He is the co-editor of the Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning.

Prof. James Pellegrino, University of Illinois at Chicago

Prof. James W. Pellegrino is co-director of Learning Sciences Research Institute (LSRI), Liberal Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor, and Distinguished Professor of Education. He contributes expertise which combines knowledge of cognitive science, psychometrics, educational technology, instructional practice and educational policy. His research interests focus on children’s and adult’s thinking and learning and the implications of cognitive research and theory for assessment and instructional practice. Much of his work focuses on analyses of complex learning and instructional environments, including those incorporating powerful information technology tools.  

Prof. Michael Sharples, University of Nottingham, UK.

Prof. Sharples is Professor of Learning Sciences and Director of the Learning Sciences Research Institute at the University of Nottingham, UK. He has been involved in learning technologies for many years and has, before many others, focused on the use of mobile technologies for informal learning, which is very relevant for the projects of the leading house. He is one of the leaders of the European Network of Excellence Kaleidoscope.

Dr. Etienne Wenger

Dr. Etienne Wenger is a globally recognized thought leader in the field of communities of practice and their application to organizations. He was featured by Training Magazine in their “A new Breed of Visionaries” series. A pioneer of the “community of practice” research, he is author and co-author of seminal articles and books on the topic, including Situated Learning, where the term was coined, Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity, where he lays out a theory of learning based on the concept of communities of practice, and Cultivating Communities of Practice: a Guide to Managing Knowledge, addressed to practitioners in organizations.

Prof. Robert-Jan Simons

Prof. Robert-Jan Simons was the director of the Netherlands School of Educational Management (NSO) from 2010-2014, and works now as an independent consultant in his new company (www.visieopleren.nl). He is interested in learning processes of school leaders and schools (leadership of learning). Other fields of research interests are the role of ICT in learning, both in education (all levels) and in work, communities of learners and the role of feedback.