Supporting Learning Through CHILI FROG
Orchestrating interactive and collaborative activities in large classrooms is effortful and time consuming for teachers. CHILI FROG is an orchestration engine that supports teachers and researchers in orchestrating complex interactive and collaborative learning scenarios in a classroom. It has been used to support students in both physical classrooms as well as in online learning scenarios. The strengths of CHILI FROG are threefold:
- First, it allows for the scaling-up of rich learning scenarios to larger classes by providing orchestration support, collaboration and monitoring tools to teachers.
- Second, through the use of operators, it supports an easy flow of data between activities where learning artifacts from one activity or an outside source can be used to group students or for other pedagogical purposes in a later activity.
- Finally, it supports rich activities for students that may not be co-located.
Below we outline the two main aspects of CHILI FROG and how they can be used to support teachers and researchers in conducting learning scenarios in the classroom.
CHILI FROG provides a powerful orchestration engine that can be used to run learning scenarios. Within FROG, lessons can be designed through the use of Orchestration Graphs. These graphs specify what activities the students will be working on, when and in what social plane (individual, groups or class-wide). These graphs are then interpreted by the backend orchestration engine to run the activities in real-time. For the real-time orchestration, the teachers are provided with an interface through which they can monitor student activities on a teacher dashboard and engage in orchestration actions, such as pausing and moving to the next activity.
For teachers, the orchestration engine can support the running of complex lesson scenarios in the classroom. At this time, we would recommend getting support for the design of complex activities in CHILI FROG. The running of the activity though can be done fully autonomously.
CHILI FROG provides a set of well designed learning activities that can support a range of social planes. These activities can be used stand alone outside of the CHILI FROG system. However, by using the activities, one is still able to benefit from the data and analytics developed for that activity. The activities also provide the flexibility to use the activities in different social planes.
For teachers, the individual activities provide an easy way to integrate active learning activities into the classroom that can be easily used within an existing LMS. It allows teachers to quickly customize an individual activity to align with the class learning goals with very little overhead.
For researchers, many of the activities developed in CHILI FROG can support collaborative learning work and can be easily used to investigate open research questions in the field.
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