Research Themes
Modest computing: simple technologies that are strongly rooted in existing face to face practices of learning and teaching. What happens when students raise their hand to ask a question ? How do students use and produce annotations in the books they read ?
Classroom orchestration: understanding factors that determine whether pedagogical interventions succeed or not. What is behind teachers’ feeling that “it works well” ? How can we facilitate the transitions from practice to theory with tangible and paper interfaces ?
Signal level computing in collaboration technologies: using low-level signals (speech, gaze, event) and advanced modeling techniques to uncover the signature of successful and efficient collaboration.
A software providing a deep analysis of handwriting difficulties and suggesting activities targeting children specific weaknesses…
In the Cellulo Project, we are aiming to design and build the pencils of the future’s classroom, in the form of robots…
CHILI FROG is an orchestration tool that supports teachers and researchers orchestrating complex technology-enhanced learning scenarios in the classroom…
DUAL-T explores learning activities that are relevant to the dual contexts of vocational education, workplace and school.
Several researchers argue that cognition is distributed between a person and its environment…
JUSThink project aims to improve the computational thinking skills of children through a collaborative problem-solving task mediated by a humanoid robot (QTrobot)
The CoWriter Project and its follow-up iReCHeCk aim at exploring how a robot can help children with the acquisition of handwriting, with an original approach…
Learning Analytics is concerned with analyzing the processes of learning benefits…