Geometry Seminar

The geometry seminar is organized by Annina Iseli, Nicolas Monod, Georgios Moschidis, and Marc Troyanov. We host talks in all areas of geometry including:

differential geometry, the geometry of metric spaces, geometric measure theory, fractal geometry, conformal geometry and dynamics, geometric group theory

The seminar time in Fall 2024 is Wednesday, 11:15am – 12.15pm in
CH B3 31 (Seminar room on the 3rd floor of the Chemistry building).

Please reach out to either of the organizers if you have a questions about the seminar or if you would like to be considered as a speaker or suggest a speaker.

Fall 2024

02. Oct.

CH B3 31
Mathias Braun, EPFL

An elliptic perspective on the d’Alembert operator from general relativity

Abstract (click here)

09. Oct.

CH B3 31
Ruth Kellerhals, University of Fribourg

From hyperbolic growth rates to Salem numbers and back

Abstract (click here)

13. Nov.

CH B3 31
Julia Münch
, Univ. of Liverpool

Extending rational expanding Thurston maps

Abstract (click here)

20. Nov.

CH B3 31
Hugo Parlier, Univ. of Luxembourg / EPFL

Counting curves and crossing lemmas

Abstract (click here)

11. Dec.

CH B3 31
Martina Jørgensen, ETH Zurich

Injective hulls and higher rank hyperbolicity

Abstract: click here


18. Dec

CH B3 31
Anders Karlsson, University of Geneva

A fixed point theorem for isometries

Abstract: click here

Spring 2024

14. March
CM 1 517
Nicola Cavallucci, EPFL
Finiteness and collapsing theorems for CAT(0) groups
25. March Room:
CM 1 517
Alexis Michelat, EPFL
Morse Index Stability and the Min-Max Sphere Eversion

Abstract (click here)

8. April Room:
CM 1 517
Louis Merlin, CPEG A. Dumas, Paris
Systolic Ratio of the sphere: an overview

Abstract (click here)

29. April Room:
CM 1 517
Thiziri Moulla, EPFL
On the minimal volume entropy of finitely presented groups

Abstract (click here)

6. May Room:
CM 1 517
Peter Feller, ETHZ
Effective hyperbolization of 3-manifolds

Abstract (click here)

13. May Room:
CM 1 517
Mario Gauvrit
Morse index stability for Yang-Mills connections

Abstract (click here)

27. May Room:
CM 1 517
Stéphane Saboureau, Univ. Paris-Est Créteil
Minimal volume entropy of simplicial complexes

Abstract (click here)