Our contact info and lab members
If you’d like to join the lab as a PhD student or Postdoc, read this first.
Semester and thesis projects for EPFL bachelors and masters students.
About the lab
The EPFL DATA lab performs research and teaching at the intersection of systems, programming languages, and theory. We create and study database systems and large-scale data analysis (“big data”) systems.
- On the systems side, our current focus is on building efficient and scalable massively parallel realtime analytics engines. Our technical contributions particularly focus on the optimization, compilation, and synthesis of query and analytics code and on the automatic incrementalization of workloads. Go to our research page for more information on our research projects and systems.
- On the theoretical side, we develop the foundations of database systems and analytics engines with a particular focus on the complexity and expressive power of declarative and domain-specific languages, and study the foundations of incremental and online data processing. We also study the algebraic foundations of databases and query languages.
The full name of the lab is left-recursive and thus cannot be uttered (see the first slide of this presentation). But you can call it the “DATA Lab”.
Here is a Wordle of lab paper titles since 2006. For more information on our research, go here.

Supported by the ERC under grant 279804 ALGILE and by the Swiss National Science Foundation under NCCR MARVEL.