Project Overview
The goal of this project is to create a toolkit for quickly building highly efficient database systems in a high-level language (Scala) using SC, our easily extensible DSL compiler framework.
SC is publicly available in binary form at (It will be open-sourced in the coming months, as soon as published).
Our first database system implemented as part of DBLAB, LegoBase (an analytical query engine), is available open-source at
- Christoph Koch
- Amir Shaikhha
- Yannis Klonatos
- Lionel Parreaux
- Mohammad Dashti
- Florian Chlan
- Nikos Kokolakis
- Lewis Brown
This project is supported by ERC grant 279804 ALGILE and by NCCR MARVEL.
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Electrically tunable giant Nernst effect in two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures
Nature Nanotechnology. 2024-07-02. DOI : 10.1038/s41565-024-01717-y.Les fumées des trains à vapeur, un débordement industriel et professionnel (France, Grande-Bretagne, années 1860-1930)
Sueur et poussière. Une histoire environnementale des mondes du travail, Toulouse, June 6, 2024.Infectious disease spread in connected communities
Lausanne, EPFL, 2024.Diving into the heterogeneity of the visual system
Lausanne, EPFL, 2024.Impact of Mitofusin 2 in the Nucleus Accumbens on motivated behavior and underlying neurobiological mechanisms
Lausanne, EPFL, 2024.Politique du logement à Genève. Revenu des ménages, loyers et prix des logements