Semester Projects

Semester Projects under the direction of Prof. Edouard Bugnion and the supervising PhD students.

StudentTitleSupervising PhD StudentYear
Alexandre DoukhanOn software-based solutions for dynamic root of trust for security monitors in RISC-VNeelu Kalani2024
Sofia SaltovskaiaPorting Miralis to the VisionFive2Charly Castes2024
Abel Vexina WilkinsonFirmware virtualization with MirageCharly Castes2024
Noé TerrierVirtual interrupts on MiralisCharly Castes2024
Emi SakamotoUsing a distributed tracing tool (eg, Zipkin) to visualize RPC packet traces in network simulation.Konstantinos Prasopoulos2023
Benoit MorawiecOn-premise software deployment2023
Alexandre DoukhanEstablishing Dynamic Root of Trust for RISC-VNeelu Kalani2023
Noé TerrierExploring Kernel Drivers in RustCharly Castes2023
Maëlys BillonA Communication Library for TEEsCharly Castes2023
Pavle JanevskiProviding Remote Attestation for Trust DomainsNeelu Kalani2023
Xuehan TangQuantifying the potential benefits of the premise of ”Just in time delivery”Konstantinos Prasopoulos2023
Maëlys BillonTrusted Boot with Intel TXTCharly Castes2022
Filippo CostaVerifying Rust Code with ServalCharly Castes2022
David DesboeufsA Finite Interface Frame AllocatorCharly Castes2022
François DumoncelSpecification and evaluation of Homa’s retransmission mechanismsKonstantinos Prasopoulos2022
Pablo SteblerPerformance characterization of Homa over DPDKKonstantinos Prasopoulos2022
Michael PaperVerified Page Tables ManipulationCharly Castes2022
Baptiste LecoeurFuzzing CS-2122021
Frank KhayatFuzz-CorpusCharly Castes2021
Aurélien ClergeotFuzz-CorpusCharly Castes2021
Elsa WeberSandboxing on untrusted Python packagesAdrien Ghosn2020
Guillaume SolignacEncrypted RPCs over R2P2Marios Kogias2020
Paul RenauldImplementing exactly-once semantics for R2P2Marios Kogias2020
Mathieu De BeuleIntroduction to eBPFMarios Kogias2020
Charly CastesExploring Intel MPK backends for Go litterboxAdrien Ghosn2020
Mikael Morales GonzalezRestricting untrusted code modulesAdrien Ghosn2019
Elsa WeberRestricting untrusted code modulesAdrien Ghosn2019
Mikael Morales GonzalezWebserver Benchmarking ToolMarios Kogias2019
Martin Takeya WeberUserspace schedulingMarios Kogias2018
Konstantinos TsitsimpikosEvaluating and optimizing the RPC aggregation layerMarios Kogias2018
Konstantinos PrasopoulosImplementation and end-to-end evaluation of High-bandwidth Ultra-Low Latency (HULL) architectureMia Primorac2018
Charline MontailInfrastructure for webserver benchmarkingMarios Kogias2018
Sanadhi Sutandi I MadeEvaluation of the QUIC protocolMarios Kogias2017
Andy RoulinIntel x710 (40GbE) support in IX dataplane OS2016
Fabian Raho MoritzPorting a consensus algorithm to the IX dataplane operatingGeorges Prekas2016
Cherif KhalilTous les DNS sont-ils équivalents ?Jonas Fietz2016
Nour AbassiEfficacité du DNSJonas Fietz2016