Student Projects


The data capacity of the hard disk drive (HDD) must increase to meet the demands for data storage. As a result, we must improve the positioning accuracy of the magnetic head in the HDD for a better future.


To encourage research about magnetic-head positioning control, a benchmark problem which works with MATLAB has been released for the IFAC World Congress 2023 (see A model is given to simulate the magnetic-head positioning system used in the latest HDDs. The objective for students is to apply control synthesis techniques seen in the Advanced Control system course to beat the benchmark performance.

Requirements: Advanced Control Systems

Contact: [email protected]
Alireza Karimi
Philippe Louis Schuchert

The large-scale integration of distributed power-electronic devices has rendered modern power systems difficult to be explicitly and accurately modeled through first principle or system identification. Meanwhile, the ubiquitous smart meters and smart sensors in power systems give us the access to a substantial amount of data. The behavioral approach, representing the system dynamics with trajectory data, lend itself to the data-driven analysis and control of complex power systems owing to non-parametric representation.

This project aims to design output-feedback controller for complex microgrids using behavioral approach. On top of some reasonable assumptions about noise, robust controllers and (or) optimal controllers are supposed to be designed. The performance of controllers will be validated and compared by simulation.

This project can either be a semester project or a master project.

Alireza Karimi
Zhaoming Qin

The proposed project aims to analyse the dynamics of a microgrid with multiple sources, including renewables (such as solar and wind) and backup sources (such as batteries or generators). The primary objective is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the microgrid’s behaviour under varying conditions and propose an efficient control algorithm to optimise its operation. This will be achieved through real-time simulations using Simulink and MATLAB.

Assistant: Vaibhav Gupta
Alireza Karimi, Vaibhav Gupta
Sandra de Best

In this project, the objective is first identify a model for a 3-Degree-Of-Freedom (3DOF) hover based on conventional techniques in system identification. To do so, first, a code to run the system using LABVIEW should be written and deployed on MyRIO.

Moreover, all the electrical connections should also become compatible for running the system.

The code for system identification should be flexible to select different excitation such as PRBS, white noise, single tone sinusoidal and sin-sweep. The second part of the project includes designing a controller using the methods of advanced control such as H-infinity and data-driven method and then applying on the device using an appropriate labview code and validate the performance.

Assistant: Vaibhav Gupta
Alireza Karimi, Vaibhav Gupta
Isabelle Stoudmann Schmutz

The goal of the project is to study an application of the Koopman operator based control approach. For autonomous systems, Koopman operator theory shows that a nonlinear system can be represented as a linear system in a higher dimensional (possibly infinite dimensional) space. Thus, by lifting a nonlinear system to a higher dimensional space this approach enables the use of tools from linear systems theory for studying nonlinear systems. By using the Koopman operator approach, our goal is to obtain a linear system representation in a high dimensional space and employ linear control design techniques to control the actually nonlinear system.

The lifted system representation will be obtained in a data-driven fashion. As a result of this as well as further structural restrictions, the lifted representation never exactly captures the original system dynamics. Thus, the project will also aim for bounding these errors such that guarantees for the true closed-loop system can be provided by using robust control tools.

For now a pendulum system is considered as the application.

Skills needed:

-Advanced control systems (familiarity with frequency domain approach and robust control)

-Matlab/Simulink, LabVIEW

Contact: [email protected]
Alireza Karimi
Mert Eyuboglu

Novel-type high-precision optical instruments used for Earth observation missions require a very high pointing accuracy. Line-of-sight stability requirements constrain the admissible level of mechanical vibration on board spacecraft. Micro-disturbances are a phenomenon caused by substantial satellite systems such as reaction wheels, thrusters, cryocoolers or solar array drive mechanisms. The term micro-disturbance refers to mechanical vibration or disturbance with low amplitude, typically occurring at frequencies from 1 Hz up to 1 kHz. These disturbances can substantially degrade the performance of sensitive payloads. A hybrid active-passive micro-disturbance isolation platform has been developed at CSEM Neuchâtel in the scope of an ESA-funded PhD thesis. The modular demonstration platform consists of an adjustable number of passive dampers, a set of proof mass actuators (PMA) creating a 6 DoF force tensor and an interface allowing to carry different types of payloads. A rapid prototyping platform is used for testing and optimization of different control algorithms. Each PMA contains a moving mass attached to a membrane behaving in a nonlinear manner below its resonance frequency. This behaviour makes it difficult to use the PMA below its resonance frequency.

The goal of the semester project is to provide a controller for disturbance rejection using the PMA at low frequencies. A feedforward strategy was implemented in the scope of a Master project to linearise the dynamics of the PMA. An extended Kalman filter (EKF) is applied for state estimation. The goal is now to combine this feedforward controller with a feedback disturbance rejection loop. Afterwards, testing campaign shall be performed to assess and validate the performance of the demonstration platform operating below the resonance frequency of the PMA.

During the semester project, the student will be partly working in the Sensing & Control laboratory at CSEM Neuchâtel.

Alireza Karimi, Elias Sebastian Klauser
CSEM Neuchâtel

In this project, the objective is to deploy a swarm of mini-hovers (Crazyflies) using ROS and a hierarchical control scheme. The drones position would be then measured using a motion capture system (OptiTrack) which would be used for swarm controls. The student would need to: 1. Design a controller synthesis procedure for low-level controls of each drone. 2. Integrate the Crazyflie into the ROS architecture. 3. Design a high-level controller for swarm dynamics.

Assistant: Gupta Vaibhav
Alireza Karimi, Christophe Salzmann
Barbara Marie-Louise Frédérique Schenkel

In this project, the objective is to deploy a swarm of mini-hovers (Crazyflies) using ROS and a hierarchical control scheme. The drones position would be then measured using a motion capture system (OptiTrack) which would be used for swarm controls. The student would need to: 1. Design a controller synthesis procedure for low-level controls of each drone. 2. Integrate the Crazyflie into the ROS architecture. 3. Design a high-level controller for swarm dynamics.

Alireza Karimi, Vaibhav Gupta
Barbara Marie-Louise Frédérique Schenkel

The first goal of this project is to identify a model of the Quanser Aero 2 – 2 DOF Hover using conventional system identification methods. For this, different input signals and model structures will be considered. Matlab/Simulink environment will be used for the data collection and system identification.

The second goal of the project is to design a controller and implement it on the real system. After the identification process the nonlinearity of the system will be evaluated and a proper controller design strategy will be determined accordingly. If the effect of nonlinearities are observed to be small, an LTI controller with a model based or data-driven approach can be designed. Otherwise, a nonlinear controller using the Koopman operator approach can be synthesized. The designed controllers will be implemented in Simulink and tested on the real system.

Contact: [email protected]
Alireza Karimi
Mert Eyuboglu