Dependable Control and Decision Group

DECODE – Dependable Control and Decision Group
The DECODE (Dependable Control and Decision) group focuses on complex control systems, where coupling between subsystems, local sources of uncertainty, and structural changes can undermine reliability and generate dangerous behaviors. By leveraging tools from control theory, optimization, and machine learning, we contribute to the development of next-generation systems that are dependable, more autonomous and self adapt to changes in the internal dynamics and the surrounding environment.
The DECODE group is part of the EPFL Automatic Control Laboratory and the NCCR automation.
All software related to our publications is freely available on GitHub.
Do not forget to follow us on Linkedin!
Research topics
Funding acknowledgment

Head of the group: Giancarlo Ferrari Trecate
Office: ME C2 398
Mail: [email protected]
Administration : Barbara Schenkel
Office : ME C2 389
Phone : +41 21 693 07 80
Fax : +41 21 693 2574
Mail : [email protected]
How to reach the DECODE group and the Laboratoire d’Automatique from the M2 metro station
Dependable Control and Decision group (DECODE)
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
ME C2 398 (Bâtiment ME) , Station 9
CH-1015 Lausanne