Bachelor in Electrical Engineering
Energy conversion
The course aims at providing the elements related to the energy conversion with particular reference to the electricity production by means of conventional and renewable energy sources. The course illustrates the fundamental notions for the modeling of energy conversion systems.
Language : french
Power system analysis
The course provides the fundamental concepts to model power systems, understand their operation and design/coordinate some of its main components.
Language : english
Master in Electrical Engineering and Master in Energy Science and Technology
Smart grids technologies
Learn the technologies and methodologies used in the context of the operation of future power grids and be able to deploy/implement/test them.
Language : english
Doctorate in Electrical Engineering
Field-Based Insights into the Implementation of Renewable Energies (Summer School Mont-Soleil)
The PhD/Summer school Mont-Soleil is dedicated to Advanced Methods and Technologies for intergrated Renewable Energies. The extra-muros organisation of the course will include Field-Based Insightes into the Implementation of renewable Energies. Total 19 lecturers 28 hours of lectures.
Language : english