Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory The sustainable electrification challenge. See more Develop smart grid concept solutions to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic and secure electricity supply. Research Education Innovation AVAILABLE BACHELOR and MASTER PROJECTS Dr. Gerini receives the Doctoral Program Thesis Distinction09.01.25EPFLDr. Francesco Gerini received the EEDE Doctoral Program Thesis DistinctionRecord broken for the longest Hyperloop trial05.11.24InnovationAs part of the LIMITLESS project, scientists from EPFL, HEIG-VD and Swisspod have completed the longest-ever vacuum capsule journey in Europe's first operational Hyperloop test facility.“Thanks to the Swiss education system, there are no closed doors”09.09.24EPFL communityRecent EPFL graduate Martin Seydoux took an unconventional career path to a PhD, having discovered his passion for engineering as an apprentice in a campus mechanics workshop.All news