All facets of digitization and mobile computing deeply transform how cultural goods are produced and consumed. This upheaval has been especially noticeable in several economic activities (e.g. movies, music, photography,…), yet the book industry so far remained anchored in a very traditional model.
The subject of this thesis is to explore one of the potential dimensions of this transformation, namely the exploitation by an author of the narrative possibilities of reorganization. This research is conducted with the active participation of Daniel de Roulet, which lends itself to the play of the analysis of his literary style through the reorganization of its romantic saga in 10 volumes, La simulation humaine.
The project consists of an introspective study leading to the publication of a digital book one one hand, and on the other hand the development of writing tools that will allow for the first time to explore the possibilities brought by the recomposition work of a complex corpus.
Cyril Bornet / Ph.D. Student, EPFL
Frédéric Kaplan / Director DHLAB, EPFL