DIAS offers courses in databases for the undergraduate as well as for the graduate level of IC. Under the supervision of DIAS collaborators, a student can take a project on a variety of subjects: from the internals of database systems all the way to applications related to modeling the human brain! The links below provide a non-exhaustive list of project descriptions. Feel free to contact us if you have other ideas.
DIAS offers courses in databases for the undergraduate as well as the graduate level.
Please note that the project list below is indicative and non-exhaustive. If you are interested in doing a project with DIAS please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
Currently offered projects:
- Learned Index for Stream Joins
- LLM for Database Tasks: Benchmark and Query Optimization
- Instance-Optimal (Cloud) DB Through Adaptive Execution
- Instance-Optimal Cloud DB Through Adaptive Indexing
- Smarter Data Compression for Cloud Databases
- Optimizing Semantic Operators for Structured and Unstructured Data
- Effective Query Synthesis for Table-Augmented Generation
- Real-time monitoring of stream processing
- Scalable buffer-pools for CPU-GPU DBMS architectures
- Optimizing memory allocation in streaming systems
- Efficient Load Balancing of Erasure Encoded Data
- Accelerating Complex Imperative Workflows Using Speculations
- Limiting interference of code generation to analytical query execution through remote JIT-ing
- Cost models & tuning the query optimizer of a JIT analytical engine
- SQL parsing and execution in high-performance in-memory HTAP DBMS
Completed projects:
- Qiyuan Dong, Analyzing Query Execution with eBPF, Master Thesis
- Milisavljevic Aleksa, On-The-Fly Graph Index Construction for In-Memory Graph Algorithm Execution, Master Thesis
- Su Xingyu, Invertible Subquery Optimization using Datalog, Master Thesis
- Yu Liangyong, Exploiting NVMe SSD Arrays in Columnar Storage Engine, Master Thesis
- Nica Andreea, A framework understanding contemporary NUMA-architectures, Semester project
- Budaj Lubo, Accelerating Complex Imperative Workflows Using Speculations, Semester project
- Chasialis Konstantinos, Adaptive data movement in modern heterogeneous servers, Semester project
- Marzec Tomasz Stanislaw, MLIR-based UDFs in JIT code-generated DBMS, Semester project
- Saied Youssef Mohamed Mohamed, Distance-based anomaly detection, Master Thesis
- Müller Quentin Denis, Cloud Data Platforms Serving the Data, Master Thesis
- Juillard Paul Emile Jean, Enabling Big Graphs Transformation: Interactive Repair for Neighborhood Constraints, Master Thesis
- Zhao Shihan, Insights in Serverless Query Processing, Master Thesis
- Yuan Lin, An Adaptive On-premises/In-cloud Framework for Cost-efficient Analytical Processing, Master Thesis
- Shen Tianxiao, Extending a Streaming Database with User-Defined Functions, Master Thesis
- Ollquist Sébastien, Near-Optimal Approximate Extraction of Sequential Patterns from Extensive Data Streams ,Master Thesis
- Chen Jingrong, Benchmarking and Data Locality Aware Optimization for Serverless Query Engine, Master Thesis
- Daija Rubin, Loki: Compression in JIT compiled database engine, Master Thesis
- Schweizer Jonas Julien, Migrating between error clustering
schemes using an asynchronous streaming
architecture, Master Thesis - Gessler Frédéric, Cloud Data Warehouses Evolution or revolution?, Master Thesis
- Wigger Jeffrey, Time Machine: Real-Time Analytics on Arbitrarily Fresh Data, Master Thesis
- Roubaty Richard, Query Processing over Heterogeneous Data Sources using the Olympe composition platform, Master Thesis
- Pham Minh Tri, Approximations for Speculative Query Processing, Semester project
- Shen Tianxiao, Snapshot-isolated query execution in a log-synchronized dual-layout HTAP system, Semester project
- Sha Tiannan, Building an index subsystem for efficient state propagation in dual-layout HTAP system, Semester project
- Reymond Jonathan Philippe, Accelerating Complex Imperative Workflows Using Speculations, Semester project
- Kim Jounghoon, Optimize the performance on cloud object stores, Semester project (exchange student)
- Daija Rubin, Loki: Run-Length Encoding in Just-In-Time OLAP Engine, Semester project
- Michel Beltan Hacène Philibert, Dataless Distributed Query Processing using Sketches, Semester project
- Yu Liangyong, Code generation for OLTP, Semester project
- Li Yifei, An efficient columnar cache for data lake, Semester project
- Arnaud Garin, Evaluation of EquiJoin approaches
in shared nothing architectures, Master Thesis - Eleonora Rocchi, Speculative Execution of Complex Queries, Master Thesis
- Arnaud Garin, Evaluation of EquiJoin approaches in shared nothing architectures, Master Thesis
- Kirusanth Poopalasingam, Learned Spatial Indexes with Updates, Master Thesis
- Bugnot Corentin Aurélien Tristan, JIT Query Operators for Complex Data using GraalVM, Master Thesis
- Mantonanaki Christina, , Master Thesis
- Yuan Lin, Analysis of Similarity Join Algorithms, Semester project
- Daija Rubin, RLE compression in JITed engines for modern hardware, Semester project
- Quentin Luc Bouvet, Development of scalable algorithms for detecting patterns in event streams, Master Thesis (NEC Laboratories)
- Vincenzo Bazzucchi, Dynamic Resource Allocation for End-To-End Streaming Pipeline In Cloud Computing, Master Thesis (Dathena SA)
- Nemanja Stojoski, Performance Optimization of a Distributed In-Memory Query Processing System, Master Thesis (Oracle Labs Switzerland)
- Jelena Malic, Machine Learning driven Approach to the lndoor Customer Detection, Master Thesis (Swisscom)
- Marc André Olivier Jolles, DBMS workload characterization and prediction with machine learning for SaaS platforms, Master Thesis (Oracle Labs Switzerland)
- Mikael Morales Gonzalez, Efficient property projections in an in-memory graph query runtime, Master Thesis (Oracle Labs Switzerland)
- Timothée-Florian Bronner, Using unsupervised learning to find problematic patterns in a communication network, Master Thesis (Swisscom)
- Futong Liu, Data-less Distributed Query Processing using ML Models, Semester project
- Arnaud Garin, Bloom-filter placement for join in CPU-GPU analytical query engines, Semester Project
- Eleni Zapridou, Data Wrangling through Data Exploration, Summer@EPFL
- Naisila Puka, , Summer@EPFL
- Aleksandr Sadovnikov, Summer@EPFL
- Vladimir Indic, Work Sharing for Query Execution on GPUs, Summer@EPFL
- Konstantinos Tsitsimpikos, Maximizing resource utilization through data-source aware scheduling in modern clusters, Master Thesis
- Kevin Kappel, Data Cleaning visualization tool, Semester project
- Ekaterina Dopiro, Implementing data source latency aware spark scheduling, Semester project
- Shahnur Isgandarli, Implementing scheduling algorithms for heterogeneous data sources, Summer@EPFL
- Ergys Dona, Mnemosyne: Caching Proteus Pipelines, Semester Project
- Marc Jolles, Sortedness aware Index Design, Semester Project
- Moritz Raho, Implementing RDMA and NUMA aware scale-out scheduling techniques, Master Thesis
- Doruk Cetin, Micro-architectural Analysis of OLAP DBMSs, Summer@EPFL
- James Jia, RAW: In-memory Execution Cache, Summer@EPFL
- Viktor Sanca, Trading performance for flexibility: A use case of spatial indexing in scientific applications, Summer@EPFL
- Maximilian Czerny, Parallel Bulkloading in Multi-dimensional Indexing, Master Thesis
- Antonis Anagnostou, Implementing Updates over Slalom and Demo, Summer@EPFL
- Junge Bao, Implementing Improved Updates using GPU calculationof hashes, Semester Project
- Stella Giannakopoulou, Large-scale Data Cleaning with Spark, PhD Project, Fall 2015
- Julien Ribon, Parallel Query Processing for ViDa, PhD Project, Fall 2015
- Utku Sirin, Energy Efficiency Analysis of In-memory Database Systems, PhD Project, Spring 2015
- Fabien Schmitt, BrainExpO: iPad application for interactive exploration of spatial brain data, Master Project, Spring 2015
- Utku Sirin, Microarchitectural Analysis of In-Memory Database Systems, PhD Project, Fall 2014
- David Cervini, Applying hardware transactional memory to Shore-MT, Semester Project, Spring 2014
- Manolis Karpathiotakis, An Adaptive Query Service for in Situ Querying, PhD Project, Spring 2013
- Romain Poiffaut, MapReduce-based Spatial Join, Semester Project, Spring 2013
- Matthaios-Alexandros Olma, In-Memory Spatial Indexing for Earthquake Simulations, Master’s Project, Spring 2013
- Eleni Tzirita Zacharatou, Efficient Time Series Indexing through Quadtree-based Compression, Internship Project, Spring 2013
- Deniz Taneli, Parallel Multi-query Processing in NoDB, Spring 2013
- Manolis Karpathiotakis, Adaptive, on-the-fly querying over raw data repositories, PhD Project, Fall 2012
- Stylianos Stylianou, In-memory positional map for hierarchical data, PhD Project, Fall 2012
- Ivo Kanchev Dimitrov, Extending the open source database SciDB with incremental data loading
capabilities, PhD Project, Fall 2012 - Bao Duy Tran, Metadata Front-end for Shore-MT Storage Manager, Semester Project, Fall 2012
- Mirjana Pavlovic, Joining Spatial Datasets with Contrasting Density, Internship Project, Fall 2012
- Farzaneh Mahdisoltani, Implementation of CH-benchmark over Shore-MT, Internship Project, Summer 2012
- Iraklis Psaroudakis,On-line prediction for work sharing in staged databases, PhD Project, Spring 2012
- Andrii Vozniuk,Optimizing Scheduling in Changing Heterogeneous Environments,
PhD Project, Spring 2012
- Iraklis Psaroudakis, Pipelined and staged execution for star-queries, PhD Project, Fall 2011
- Andrii Vozniuk, Efficient Spatial Joins on Disk, PhD Project, Fall 2011