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- 2005-present: Software Developer (50%), Cyberbotics Ltd, Switzerland
- 2004-present: Software Developer and assistant (25%) at the Swarm-Intelligent Systems Group (EPFL)
- 2004-present: Software Developer and assistant (25%) at the Biologically Inspired Robotics Group (EPFL)
- 2003-2004: M. Sc. in Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems, COGS, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
- 2001-2003: Software Developer, Tecfa, Educational Technologies Unit, University of Geneva
- 2001-2003: Postgraduate Diploma in Information Technology, University of Applied Science (HES)
- 1995-2000: Research Assistant, Institute for Surgical Technology & Biomechanics, University of Berne
- 1991-1995: B. Eng. in Computer Science, Bern University of Applied Sciences (HES), Biel-Bienne
- 1987-1991: Apprenticeship in Electronics, Omega Electronics SA, Biel-Bienne
Topics of Interest
- Computer Science
- Software Engineering
- Robotics and Simulations
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Graphics
- Information Visualization
- Object-Oriented Techniques
Current projects
Webots @ SWIS
M. Sc. project