
Each week there will be a 3-hour lab session. The course will involve in total eight lab exercises. All the lab exercises will be ungraded and no points are therefore mentioned on their assignments. During the lab time of the last four weeks of the semester, TAs will provide assistance for the course project. Course project presentations will be carried out during the last week of the semester.

Week 1

No lab this week.

Week 2

Refresh of C concepts learned at the first year of BS; Linux environment, compilation and editing tools, simple programs.

Lab 1 assignment
Lab 1 tutorial

Week 3

C/Matlab exercise showing differences between an interpreted and compiled languages; structure, matrix, and vector manipulations.

Lab 2 assignment
Lab 2 tutorial

Week 4

C exercise on pointers and memory management (e.g., dynamic allocation, pointer passing in functions); use of a debugger as support tool for memory management and proper coding.

Lab 3 assignment
Lab 3 tutorial

Week 5

Exercise in Matlab on signal processing concepts explained in the lecture.

Lab 4 assignment
Lab 4 tutorial

Week 6

Exercise in Matlab on signal processing concepts explained in the lecture.

Lab 5 assignment
Lab 5 tutorial

Week 7

Exercise in Matlab on signal processing concepts explained in the lecture.

Lab 6 assignment
Lab 6 tutorial

Week 8

Exercise in Matlab on signal processing concepts explained in the lecture.

Lab 7 assignment
Lab 7 tutorial

Week 9

Webots lab; programming in C but use of Matlab when appropriate.

Lab 8 assignment
Lab 8 tutorial

Week 10

Course Project Assistance

Week 11

Course Project Assistance

Week 12

Course Project Assistance

Week 13

Course Project Assistance

Week 14

Course Project Presentations