David Pritchard




I have departed from EPFL.

Click here for my up-to-date website

Please email me if you need my address. My previous office address was: 

EPFL SB MATHAA DISOPT, MA B1 527, Station 8, CH-1015 Lausanne, +41 21 693 4392

E-mail: daveagp@gmail.com


My research interests revolve around discrete mathematics, algorithms, and combinatorial optimization. I have frequently studied and applied linear programming relaxations in these areas. In more detail, I am interested in graphs, integer programs, approximation algorithms and hypergraphs (a.k.a. set systems). I also engage in computational methods, where application-specific computer programs are executed as part of proving a mathematical theorem.

I completed my PhD thesis at the University of Waterloo in December 2009. Before then I grew up in Toronto and went to MIT for my undergrad and Master’s degrees.