Instructor: Prof. Friedrich Eisenbrand
Assistant: Martina Gallato
The course aims to introduce the basic concepts and results of integer optimisation.
- Integer Programming: definition, examples and complexity
- The linear programming relaxation, Branch & Bound, the integer hull
- Approximation algorithms via LP-rounding: Set Cover
- Dynamic Programming: the Knapsack problem, PTAS, Steinitz Lemma and related open problems
- The Greatest Common Divisor, Branch&Bound and Euclidean Algorithm
- Lattices, Hermite Normal Form, Shortest and Closest Vector problems
- Minkowski’s Theorem
- Transference Bounds: Ellipsoids & general convex bodies, HKZ-reduced bases
- Integer Programming in Fixed Dimension
- 2^O(n) algorithm for Shortest Vector Problem
Content of lectures:
- 21.02. – Minkowski Weyl Theorem for Cones, separation Theorem (see video), Integer hull is a polyhedron [1, p. 230-231]
- 28.02. – Integral polyhedra [1, p. 231-232], Totally unimodular matrices [1, p. 266-269]
- 07.03. – Branch and Bound [1, p. 360-361]
- 14.03. – Dynamic Programming, Knapsack FPTAS [3, p. 68 – 70]
- 21.03. – Steinitz Theorem and Dynamic Programming for integer programming (E. Weismantel 2020)
- 28.03. – Lattice and Mikowski’s Theorem [2. p. 5-10]
- 04.04. – The LLL Algorithm [2. p. 12-18]
- 11.04. – Solving random subset sum instances [2. p. 21-22]
- 25.04. – The Hermite Normal Form [this paper p. 5-10]
- 02.05. – Dual lattices and approximating shortest vector via Minkowski’s Theorem [2. p. 22-24]
- 09.05. Excursion to randomized algorithms. Miller-Rabin test. [blackboard]
- 16.05. Transference bounds [5. p. 311-314]
- 25.05. The Voronoi Cell of a lattice and closest vector [2. p. 55-58]
- 01.06. A singly exponential algorithm for CVP [2. p. 59-60]
Linear Algebra, Discrete Optimisation (or Introduction to Algorithms)
Lectures and Videos:
- Weekly videos of 35-45 minutes to watch before the course, published here
- On-site lecture on Monday 14h00-15h00 MAA331
- Exercise session on Monday 15h00-17h00 MAA331. The exercise sessions start on Monday 28th February
- The exercise sets and all relevant material are published here
Grading, Exam and Exercises:
- There will be a final oral exam
- 20% of final grade is determined by exercise presentations during exercise session
- Alexander Schrijver, Theory of linear and integer programming
- Thomas Rothvoß, Integer Optimisation and Lattices
- Oded Regev, Lattices in Computer Science
- Vijay Vazirani, Approximation Algorithms
- Alexander Barvinok, A course in Convexity, AMS