Instructor: Prof. Friedrich Eisenbrand
Assistant: Neta Singer
The course aims to introduce the basic concepts and results of integer optimisation.
- Integer Programming: definition, examples and complexity
- The linear programming relaxation, Branch & Bound, the integer hull
- Approximation algorithms via LP-rounding: Set Cover
- Dynamic Programming: the Knapsack problem, PTAS, Steinitz Lemma and related open problems
- The Greatest Common Divisor, Branch&Bound and Euclidean Algorithm
- Lattices, Hermite Normal Form, Shortest and Closest Vector problems
- Minkowski’s Theorem
- Transference Bounds: Ellipsoids & general convex bodies, HKZ-reduced bases
- Integer Programming in Fixed Dimension
- 2^O(n) algorithm for Shortest Vector Problem
Linear Algebra, Discrete Optimisation (or Introduction to Algorithms)
20.02: Basic concepts, examples, integer hull
27.02: Integer hull, Minkowski-Weyl
06.03: Knapsack
13.03: FPTAS for Knapsack, sizes of solutions (notes courtesy of Edmund Hofflin)
20.03: Dynamic Programming for IP (Papadimitriou 1981)
27.03: Steinitz Theorem and speedup for integer programming
03.04: Lattices [5. Chapter 7.1]
17.03: Minkowski’s Theorem [5. Chapter 7.2]
24.03: Transference Bound in 2D [5. Chapter 7.8]
01.05: Transference Theorem [5. Theorem 7.4] Closest vector in 2^O(n^2)
08.05: The LLL-algorithm [2. Chapter 1.4]
15.05: Approximating shortest vector via Minkowski [2. Chapter 1.6.2]
22.05: CVP in time 2^O(n^2) and Babai’s nearest plane algorithm
Question forum for exercises:
- Homework 1 presentation on Mon. Feb 27.
- Homework 2 presentation on Mon. Mar 6.
- Homework 3 presentation on Mon. Mar 13.
- Homework 4 presentation on Mon. Mar 20.
- Homework 5 presentation on Mon. Apr 3.
- Homework 6 presentation on Mon. Apr 24.
- Homework 7 presentation on Mon. May 1.
- Homework 8 presentation on Mon. May 8.
- Homework 9 presentation on Mon. May 15.
- Homework 10 presentation on Mon. May 22.
- Alexander Schrijver, Theory of linear and integer programming
- Thomas Rothvoß, Integer Optimisation and Lattices
- Oded Regev, Lattices in Computer Science
- Vijay Vazirani, Approximation Algorithms
- Alexander Barvinok, A course in Convexity, AMS