

Sediment resuspension and transport from near-shore zones towards the deep interior of Lake Geneva caused by winter cascading

F. Mettra; R. S. Reiss; U. Lemmin; D. A. Barry 

2022. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 23-27, 2022. DOI : 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10100.


Effects of deep pools on salinization in coastal reservoirs

Y. Mo; G. Jin; H. Tang; J. Xu; L. Li et al. 

2019. 38th IAHR World Congress : “Water – Connecting the World”, Panama City, Panama, 1-6 September 2019. p. 3974-3985. DOI : 10.3850/38WC092019-1130.

Effects of groundwater on desalinization in coastal reservoir and adjacent aquifer

G. Jin; Y. Mo; H. Tang; J. Xu; L. Li et al. 

2019. 38th IAHR World Congress : “Water – Connecting the World”, Panama City, Panama, 1-6 September 2019. p. 3986-3994. DOI : 10.3850/38WC092019-1135.


An Integrated Approach for Assessing the Impact of Urban Stormwater Discharge on the Fecal Contamination in a Recreational Lake Near Paris

Y. Hong; L. Chenlu; B. Lemaire; F. C. Soulignac; J. Martins et al. 

2018. New Trends in Urban Drainage Modelling. UDM 2018, Palermo, Italy, Sep 23-26, 2018. p. 334-338. DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-99867-1_56.


Effect of waves on nearshore groundwater dynamics and chemical fluxes to coastal waters

C. Robinson; P. Xin; S. Malott; L. Li; D. A. Barry et al. 

2016. 24th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting and the 4th Asia Pacific Coastal Aquifer Management Meeting, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 4-8, 2016.


Hysteresis Effects in Splash Sediment Transport

M. Cheraghi; S. Jomaa; G. Sander; D. A. Barry 

2015. 17th International Conference of Transport & Sedimentation of Solid Particles, Delft, The Netherlands, September 22-25, 2015. p. 45-52.

Seasonal Spatial Patterns of Surface Water Temperature, Surface Heat Fluxes and Meteorological Forcing Over Lake Geneva

A. Irani Rahaghi; U. Lemmin; D. Bouffard; M. Riffler; S. Wunderle et al. 

2015. AGU 2015, San Fransisco, December 13-18, 2015.


Morphological analysis of the upper reaches of the Kukuy Canyon derived from shallow bathymetry

N. Le Dantec; N. Babonneau; M. Franzetti; C. Delacourt; Y. Akhtman et al. 

2014. Bringing Together Selenga Baikal Research, Leipzig, Germany, October 1-3, 2014.

Ripple formation and sediment-suspension events in unsteady depth-varying open-channel flow

F. Bagherimiyab; A. Roy; U. Lemmin 

2014. 7th International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics (River Flow), Lausanne, SWITZERLAND, SEP 03-05, 2014. p. 875-882.


Morphology of pillow-hollow and quilted-cover bedforms in Lake Geneva, Switzerland

N. Le Dantec; Y. Akhtman; D. Constantin; U. Lemmin; D. A. Barry et al. 

2013. Marine and River Dune Dynamics – MARID IV, Bruges, Belgium, 15 – 16 April 2013. p. 159-166.

A computational platform for integrated modelling of micropollution in the urban environment

S. Coutu; T. Pouchon; L. Rossi; D. A. Barry 

2013. 2nd Water Research Conference, Singapore, 29-23 February 2013.


Effect of varying wave conditions on a subterranean estuary

P. Xin; C. Robinson; L. Li; D. A. Barry; S. Wang et al. 

2012. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography Meeting, Lake Biwa, Japan, July 8-13, 2012.

Interaction of oceanic forcing with groundwater dynamics and its effects on contaminant transport and beach profile changes

R. Bakhtyar; A. Brovelli; D. A. Barry 

2012. Peter Wolf Early Career Hydrologists’ Event, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, April 3-4, 2012.

Parsimonious hydrological modelling in urban areas: Towards integrated modelling

S. Coutu; D. Del Giudice; L. Rossi; D. A. Barry 

2012. Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade, Serbia, 2012.


Sustainable soil and water resources: modelling soil erosion and its impact on the environment

G. C. Sander; T. Zheng; P. Heng; Y. Zhong; D. A. Barry 

2011. MODSIM 2011 – 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, December 12-16, 2011. p. 45-56.

Vidy Bay hydrodynamics under typical meteorological conditions

A. M. Razmi; D. A. Barry; U. Lemmin 

2011. ISSF2011, Rome, Italy, August 22-26, 2011..

Two-phase hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling in the nearshore zone

R. Bakhtyar; D. A. Barry 

2011. UK Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference 2011 (YCSEC), Liverpool, UK, March 30-31,2011.

Numerical experiments of breaking waves on dissipative and intermediate beaches using a two-phase flow method

R. Bakhtyar; D. A. Barry 

2011. Symposium on Two-phase Modelling for Sediment Dynamics in Geophysical Flows, Chatou, Paris, France, April 26—28, 2011.


Acidity production and buffer requirements for in-situ bioremediation of chlorinated solvents.

A. Brovelli; C. Robinson; D. A. Barry; J. I. Gerhard 

2010. International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, CA, USA, May 24-27, 2010.

Effects of wave and tidal forcing on conservative contaminant transport in coastal aquifers

R. Bakhtyar; A. Brovelli; D. A. Barry 

2010. 2010 AGU, Fall meeting, San Francisco, 13-17 December.

Sampling-helper: A web-based tool to assess the reliability of sampling strategies in sewers and receiving waters

L. Rossi; L. Rumley; C. Ort; P. Minkkinen; D. A. Barry et al. 

2010. 7th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management (NOVATECH), Lyon, France, June 27 – July 1st, 2010. p. 291.

Flow measurements in sewer systems based on image analysis: automatic flow velocity algorithm

D. Jeanbourquin; D. Sage; L. Nguyen; B. Schaeli; S. Kayal et al. 

2010. 7th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management (NOVATECH), Lyon, France, June 27 – July 1st, 2010. p. 180.

Buffering soil-water acidity in chlorinated solvent bioremediation schemes

D. A. Barry; C. Robinson; E. Lacroix; C. Holliger; A. Brovelli 

2010. 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, August 1-6, 2010. p. 27-30.

Numerical modeling of wave-induced beach watertable fluctuations and bed morphology

R. Bakhtyar; D. A. Barry; A. Brovelli 

2010. XVIII International Conference on Water Resources, CMWR 2010, Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 June 2010.

Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a soil profile: Model development

J. Batlle-Aguilar; A. Brovelli; D. A. Barry 

2010. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 3-7, 2010.

Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a soil profile: Model insights and application to a restored Swiss riparian area

A. Brovelli; J. Batlle-Aguilar; J. Luster; J. Shrestha; B. Huber et al. 

2010. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 3-7, 2010.


Effect of substrate heterogeneity on flow in constructed wetlands and sand filters

O. Carranza Diaz; A. Brovelli; L. Rossi; D. A. Barry 

2009. WETPOL 2009: Wetland Pollution Dynamics and Control, Barcelona, Spain, September, 2009.

Comprehensive process-based modelling of sand filters and subsurface flow constructed wetlands.

A. Brovelli; S. Baechler; L. Rossi; D. A. Barry 

2009. WETPOL 2009: Wetland Pollution Dynamics and Control, Barcelona, Spain, September, 2009.

Mechanistic understanding and prediction of bioclogging in sand filters and subsurface flow constructed wetlands

A. Brovelli; L. Rossi; D. A. Barry 

2009. WETPOL 2009: Wetland Pollution Dynamics and Control, Barcelona, Spain, September, 2009.

Assessment of nitrate trends in groundwater using the regional scale HFEMC approach

P. Orban; S. BrouyĂšre; J. Couturier; S. Wildemeersch; P. Goderniaux et al. 

2009. 2009 Groundwater Summit, Tucson, Arizona (US), April 19-23, 2009.

Modelling carbon and nitrogen turnover in variably saturated soils

J. Batlle-Aguilar; A. Brovelli; A. Porporato; D. A. Barry 

2009. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 19-24, 2009.


Hydrodynamic characterisation of a groundwater – surface water system and evaluation of BTEX, PAHs decay and heavy metals fate

J. Batlle-Aguilar; S. BrouyĂšre; A. Dassargues; L. Diels; K. Vanbroekhoven et al. 

2008. 10th International conference on Soil-Water systems CONSOIL, Milan, Italy, June 3-6, 2008.

Prediction of Longshore Sediment Transport Using Soft Computing Techniques

R. Bakhtyar; D. A. Barry; A. Ghaheri 

2008. 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Estoril, Portugal, 15−20 June, 2008. p. 10 pp..


Numerical simulation of wave breaking and wave runup in the nearshore zone

R. Bakhtyar; A. Yeganeh-Bakhtiary; A. Ghaheri 

2007. International Conference on Violent Flows (VF-2007), Fukuoka, Japan, November 20-22, 2007. p. 53-61.

Release of biocides from urban areas into aquatic systems

M. Burkhardt; T. Kupper; S. Hean; P. Schmid; R. Haag et al. 

2007. 6th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management (NOVATECH), Lyon, France, 25-28 June 2007. p. 1483-1489.

New guideline for urban wet-weather management in Switzerland

L. Rossi; R. Fanhauser; V. Krejci 

2007. 6th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management (NOVATECH), Lyon, France, 25-28 June 2007. p. 1525-1532.

Analyse du risque des rejets pluviaux urbains pour le compartiment sédimentaire des milieux récepteurs

L. Rossi 

2007. Colloque d’hydrotechnique: transports solides et gestion des sĂ©diments en milieux natural et urbain, Lyon, 28-29 novembre.

A stochastic software tool to assess impacts of urban drainage on receiving waters

R. Fankhauser; L. Rossi; V. Krejci 

2007. 6th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management (NOVATECH), Lyon, France, 28-29 novembre. p. 1383-1390.

Release of biocides from urban areas into aquatic systems

M. Burkhart; S. Kupper; P. Hean; R. Schmid; R. Haag et al. 

2007. 6th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies (NOVATECH), Lyon, France, 28-29 novembre. p. 1483-1489.

Risk assessment of urban runoff pollution in rivers: how to deal with time-varying concentrations

N. ChĂšvre; N. Vallotton; L. Rossi 

2007. 6th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management (NOVATECH), Lyon, 28-29 novembre. p. 1367-1374.


Release of various substances to the environment by regular railway operation

M. Burkhardt; L. Rossi; M. Boller 

2006. 7th World Congress on Railway Research, Montreal, Canada.

Diffuse release of environmental hazards by railways

M. Burkhardt; L. Rossi; M. Boller 

2006. 10th IWA International Specialised Conference of Diffuse Pollution and Sustainable Basin Management, Istanbul, Turkey, 18-22 September.


Analysis of trends in groundwater pollutants: perspectives and challenges

H. Broers; I. Dubus; M. Bierkens; A. Visser; S. BrouyĂšre et al. 

2005. 9th International conference on Soil-Water systems CONSOIL, Bordeaux (France), October 3-7 2005.

Water quality criteria for total suspended solids (TSS) in urban wet-weather discharges

L. Rossi; R. Frankhauser; N. ChĂšvre 

2005. 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD), Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-26-8.2005.


Free surface flow of groundwater: Revisit of shallow water expansion

D-S. Jeng; B. R. Seymour; D. A. Barry; L. Li; J-Y. Parlange 

2004. 6th International Conference of Hydro-Science and Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, 31 May – 3 June.

Subsurface pathways of contaminants to coastal waters.

D. A. Barry; J-Y. Parlange 

2004. 6th International Conference of Hydro-Science and Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, 31 May – 3 June.


Groundwater dynamics in coastal aquifers: Moving boundary

H. T. Teo; D. S. Jeng; B. R. Seymour; D. A. Barry; L. Li 

2003. Coasts & Ports 2003, Auckland, NZ, 9-12 September. p. 910-917. DOI : 10.3316/informit.257726553867309.

MODFLOW equipped with a new method for the accurate simulation of axisymmetric flow.

N. Samani; M. Kompani-Zarea; D. A. Barry 

2003.  p. 79-83.

Anaerobic biodegradation of linear alkylbenzene.

S. J. Johnson; N. Christofi; D. A. Barry 

2003. 2ndEuropean Bioremediation Conference, Chania, Crete, Greece, June 30 – July 4.

New approximation for tide-induced water table fluctuations at a sloping beach

D-S. Jeng; B. R. Seymour; H. T. Teo; D. A. Barry; L. Li 

2003.  p. 260-265.

Modelling the fate of petroleum hydrocarbons in groundwater

H. Prommer; G. B. Davis; D. A. Barry; C. T. Miller 

2003. Fifth National Workshop on the Assessment of Site Contamination, Adelaide, 13-15 May 2002. p. 21-45.

Analytical approximation for tidal dynamics in coastal aquifer.

D-S. Jeng; H. T. Teo; D. A. Barry; L. Li 

2003.  p. 870-877.


Third-order capillary correction of tidal dynamic coastal aquifer.

H. T. Teo; D. S. Jeng; D. A. Barry; L. Li 

2002.  p. 463-467.

Assessment of three cleaning fluids as applied to contaminated railway ballast.

P. Anderson; C. J. Cunningham; D. A. Barry 

2002. Fifth International Conference and Exhibition, London, United Kingdom, 3 – 4 July, 2002.


PHT3D – A MODFLOW/MT3DMS-based reactive multi-component transport model

H. Prommer; D. A. Barry; W-H. Chiang; C. Zheng 

2001. MODFLOW 2001 conference, September 11-14, 2001. p. 477-483.

Groundwater effects on sediment transport: A modelling study of the mechanisms underlying beach dewatering for erosion control.

L. Li; D. A. Barry 

2001.  p. 294-305.

Contribution of anaerobic microbial activity to natural attenuation of the ‘B’ in BTEX

S. J. Johnson; K. J. Woolhouse; H. Prommer; D. A. Barry; N. Christofi 

2001. Third conference organized by the British Geotechnical Association and Cardiff School of Engineering, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 17-19 September 2001. p. 300-306.


Tidal fluctuations in a leaky confined aquifer.

D. S. Jeng; L. Li; D. A. Barry; T. L. Lee 


Water wave-driven seepage in anisotropic sediments.

D. S. Jeng; T. L. Lee; L. Li; D. A. Barry 

2000.  p. 418-425.

Influence of transient groundwater flow on physical and reactive processes during biodegradation of a hydrocarbon plume.

H. Prommer; K. J. Woolhouse; D. A. Barry; G. B. Davis 

2000. 2000 Contaminated Site Remediation: From Source Zones to Ecosystems Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 4 – 8 December. p. 443-450.


The effects of local coastal groundwater flows on chemical transfer from the aquifer to coastal sea.

L. Li; D. A. Barry; F. Stagnitti; J-Y. Parlange 


PHT3D – A three-dimensional biogeochemical transport model for modelling natural and enhanced remediation

H. Prommer; G. B. Davis; D. A. Barry 

1999. 1999 contaminated site remediation conference, Fremantle, WA, 21-25 March 1999. p. 351-358.

Groundwater effects on sediment: A modelling study of the mechanisms underlying beach dewatering for erosion control.

L. Li; D. A. Barry 



The effect of seasonal variability on intrinsic biodegradation of a BTEX plume.

H. Prommer; D. A. Barry; G. B. Davis 

1998. GQ’98 Conference, Tübingen, Germany, 21-25 September. p. 213-220.

Development and testing of an experimental apparatus for modelling solute transport in partially saturated media.

J. W. Griffioen; D. A. Barry 

1998. International Conference Centrifuge 98, Tokyo, Japan, 23-25 September. p. 583-588.

Groundwater remediation assessment using biogeochemical transport modelling

H. Prommer; D. A. Barry; G. B. Davis 

1998. Fifth International Conference on Re-Use of Contaminated Land and Landfills, Brunel University, London, United Kingdom, 7-9 July. p. 177-190.


Experimental investigation of brine transport through sand.

S. J. Anderson; D. A. Barry 

1997.  p. 353-358.

A reactive multi-component transport model for biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons.

H. Prommer; D. A. Barry; G. B. Davis 

1997.  p. 621-626.

Parallel simulated annealing using CILK language: Applications in estimating transport parameters for groundwater contaminants.

L. Li; D. A. Barry; J. Morris 

1997.  p. 616-620.

Centrifuge modelling criterion for solute transport in partially saturated flow.

J. W. Griffioen; D. A. Barry 

1997.  p. 598-603.

Monitoring residual gasoline movement associated with a fluctuating water table.

D. A. Steffy; C. D. Johnston; D. A. Barry 

1997.  p. 227-242.

Centrifuge modelling of environmental problems

C. Savvidou; P. J. Culligan; D. A. Barry 

1997.  p. 161-173.


Experimental evaluation of a brine transport model

S. J. Anderson; D. A. Barry; P. J. Culligan-Hensley 

1996. Osaka, Japan, 5 – 8 November, 1996. p. 193-198.

Velocity effect on cadmium adsorption.

Y. T. Tran; K. Bajracharya; D. A. Barry 

1996.  p. 163-169.

Sensitivity and reliability analysis of groundwater contaminant transport.

T. H. Skaggs; D. A. Barry 

1996.  p. 701-708.

Fluid response in the vicinity of a recovery well pumped at a supercritical flow rate.

H. Zhang; D. A. Barry; G. C. Hocking 

1996.  p. 547-557.

Heavy metal adsorption in soil: Comparison of bisolute adsorption models and laboratory experiments

K. Bajracharya; D. A. Barry; S. Vigneswaran; A. Das Gupta 

1996. International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources, New Delhi, India, December 1993. p. 19-26. DOI : 10.1007/978-94-011-0393-0_2.

Nonlinear reactive solute transport: A practical and fast solution method

D. A. Barry; K. Bajracharya 

1996. International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources, New Delhi, India, December 1993. DOI : 10.1007/978-94-011-0393-0_1.

Infiltration subject to time-dependent surface ponding: Exact results and correspondence to solute transport with nonlinear reaction

D. A. Barry; J-Y. Parlange 

1996. International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources, New Delhi, India, December 1993. p. 33-48. DOI : 10.1007/978-94-011-0391-6_3.


Split operator methods for reactive chemical transport in groundwater

D. A. Barry; C. T. Miller; P. J. Culligan; K. Bajracharya 

1995. MODSIM95, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Watle, Australia, 27-30 November 1995.

Efficient stochastic simulation of groundwater contaminant transport

T. H. Skaggs; D. A. Barry 

1995. MODSIM 95, The University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, 27-30 November 1995.

Using deuterated trichloroethylene (TCE) in a tracer test to estimate the transport characteristics of a TCE plume

E. Benker; G. B. Davis; D. A. Barry 

1995. Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection, Prague, Czech Republic, 15 – 18 May 1995.

A field study of the vertical immiscible displacement of LNAPL associated with a fluctuating water table

D. A. Steffy; C. Johnston; D. A. Barry 

1995. Groundwater Quality: Remediation and Protection, Prague, Czech Republic, 15 – 18 May 1995.


Velocity scaling of nonequilibrium solute transport in heterogeneous soils: Numerical and experimental results

D. A. Barry; K. Bajracharya; L. Li 

1994. Water Down Under ’94, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 21 – 25 November 1994.

Groundwater contamination by trichloroethene (TCE) in a residential area of Perth: Distribution, mobility, and implications for management

E. Benker; G. B. Davis; S. Appleyard; D. A. Barry; T. R. Power 

1994. Water Down Under ’94, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 21-25 November 1994.

Physical basis of nonequilibrium solute transport in soil

D. A. Barry; L. Li 

1994. Fifteenth International Congress of Soil Science, Acapulco, Mexico, 10 – 16 July 1994.

Application of an improved mixing cell model to equilibrium and nonequilibrium multispecies transport.

D. A. Barry; K. Bajracharya 

1994. Sixth Biennial Conference on Computational Techniques and Applications: CTAC93, Australian National University, Canberra, Australian Capitol Territory, Australia, 5 – 9 July 1993.


Optimal solutions of the linearised diffusion routing model

D. A. Barry; K. Bajracharya 

1993. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 6-10 December 1993.

Analysis of one-dimensional multispecies transport experiments in laboratory soil columns

K. Bajracharya; D. A. Barry 

1993. International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 6 – 10 December 1993. p. 925-930.

Rapid computation of solute transport with nonlinear, nonequilibrium reactions.

D. A. Barry; K. Bajracharya 

1993. Hydrology and Water Resources Conference, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia, 30 June – 2 July, 1993. p. 191-196.

Site investigation and monitoring techniques for contaminated sites and potential waste disposal sites

C. M. Jewell; P. J. Hensley; D. A. Barry; I. Ackworth 

1993. Geotechnical Management of Waste and Contamination, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 22-23 March 1993. p. 3-37.

Nonreactive chemical transport in structured soil: The potential for centrifugal modelling

L. Li; D. A. Barry; P. J. Hensley; K. Bajracharya 

1993. Geotechnical Management of Waste and Contamination, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 22-23 March 1993. p. 425-431.

Time dependence of solute dispersion in aquifers

D. A. Barry 

1993. Geotechnical Management of Waste and Contamination, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 22-23 March 1993. p. 329-344.


Modelling solute transport, chemical adsorption and cation exchange

D. A. Barry; G. C. Sander; I. R. Phillips 

1991. International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 2 – 4 October 1991. p. 913-918.

Modelling of solute transport in groundwater: The impact of supercomputers

D. A. Barry 

1991. Computer Aided Design, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 13 – 15 March 1991.


Speciation and fate of organotins in harbours, marinas and coastal areas from the northwestern mediterranean sea.

I. Tolosa; J. M. Bayona; J. AlbaigĂ©s; L. Merlini; N. de Bertrand et al. 

1990. 3rd International Organotin Symposium, Monaco, 17-20 April 1990. p. 55-57.